You Heard, I Knew…

Sitting with the Lord and meditating on theses verses: “So they took away the stone.Then Jesus looked up and said, “Father, I thank you that you have heard me. I knew that you always hear me, but I said this for the benefit of the people standing here, that they may believe that you sent me.” I’ve been studying about manifesting in my devotional time with the word.

When I meditate on these verses I sometimes read them repeatedly emphasizing certain parts of the verse allowing the Holy Spirit to minister to me about the text. Taking it in context with the what is going on during that time. So the circumstance around this situation was when Jesus performed the miracle of raising his friend Lazarus from the dead. Wow, It is quite the scene! What captured my attention in this situation was Jesus’ prayer. However, before he prayed he told them to take away the stone. Stone had to be removed before the miracle could be performed apparently. So I started thinking what that stone might symbolize in my life. What are the stones that may be blocking the miracle that Jesus wants to perform in my life. Jesus had just admonished Lazarus’ sister about her belief. Apparently he had a conversation with her before because he reminded her that he had already told her that if she believed she would see the glory of God. What stones are blocking me from believing for the miracles that Jesus wants to bring about in my life? I sat with the Holy Spirit and allowed Him to speak to my heart about the the blockages in my life and belief system. Holy Spiritual gently reminding me about all the times He made a way out of no way, steadily encouraging my faith. Building up my belief system and refreshing my soul. I sat with that for a minute.

Then the next part of the passage is what captured my attention almost immediately when I read the verses! When Jesus looked up and spoke directly to God calling him Father. He was at one with God and he knew it and made sure that everyone around him could understand the level of intimacy He had with his Father. Simultaneously, displaying the level of intimacy with God that is available to those of us around him. He thanked God for hearing him and asserted that he knew that God always heard him. That part right there. It was the “tense” for me.

You heard, I knew…

He stated everything in past tense like this level of intimacy was and had always been between Him and His Father. In the version I read, Jesus said, Thank you that you HEARD me. I KNEW that you always hear me. Those words were to God but they were for the people. In fact Jesus goes on to explain aloud that he was saying this so that those who hear might believe. I love that Jesus always understood his assignment in the moment. He took his direction from God and stayed true to his assignment in order for the miracle to take place.

Caveat here: My brother and I were talking about assignment yesterday. I mean the Holy Spirit was speaking to us through each other on that phone cause I felt the presence of God in our conversation. How when you know your assignment is bigger than the circumstance or even the moment, that nothing can shake you or keep you from believing that God will perform the miracle. No amount of bad news, no amount of disappointments, no amount of principalities and spiritual wickedness in high places. The assignment is bigger and God’s power is greater than all of it!

Jesus understood that his assignment in that moment was bigger than the circumstances like how long his friend had been dead, like the condition that the body might be in or even that Lazarus had died at all! None of that deterred Jesus from his assignment. Why?! Because of the level of intimacy that He had with God the Father. Everything that Jesus manifested here on earth was rooted in his relationship with God. He consistently modeled that for the people around Him. He came to save the lost. His assignment, his mission, His victory! He accomplished His assignment in lock step with God! As I sit with the Lord meditating on these verses and my assignment in this season of my life. I am always reminded how my first assignment is to draw nearer to God in my belief system. Allowing the Holy Spirit to remove the blockages and reaffirm my faith consistently. Knowing that intimacy is formed through my time with the Lord. Being still, listening, opening my heart to the counsel and guidance of the Holy Spirit! The miracles that I may pray for or need are not hard for God. Jesus understood that because of his intimacy with the Father. There was no doubt as to whether God could do it or would do it. Jesus knew that His Father HEARD him, He KNEW that God was always listening out for his children.

Just sharing my morning musings in hopes that you will continue to grow more intimate with God and you can pray in past tense for the manifestation of your miracle too. “Father thank you that you heard me. I knew you always hear me.” You heard, I Knew!

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