Yep, Page Turned…

Sitting with the Lord and talking to Him about turning the page. I was discussing the outcome of a situation with a friend and they responded, “turning the page on that.” I responded back,

“Yep page turned.”

Easier said than done of course, but doable. I think when we can look at outcomes that don’t fall in place like we thought as learned experiences then they can become stepping stones to whatever is next on our journey. I’m not one to give up easily on something that I’m trying to make happen. On the other hand, once I’m done it’s done. Of course that may be after I’ve processed it to death, spent time overthinking it, prayed without ceasing about it. Yet it still may not pan out. It’s past time to turn the page. I’m asking the Holy Spirit to help me not waste too much time going through all those motions before I do. I remember a time during a major transition in my life and I was in serious prayer about what to do next. I asked the Holy Spirit to speak plainly to my heart, “This is the way, walk in it.” Not too long after that an opportunity presented itself to me. As I sat in the chair opposite the person God used to open that door, my spirit was enthusiastically leaping in me saying, “This is it! This is it!” I could hardly contain myself in the moment yet I sat there composed and calmly accepted the offer. But boy did I praise dance on the way to my car! I told my Auntie about it and she said “that’s all God wants is that simple childlike faith from us.” When we are intentional about seeking the Lord and His guidance, He is faithful to lead us. When we trust that He will always lead us in the path of righteousness for his name’s sake, then if an outcome is different than we desired or expected, we can trust that is not His Will for our life at that time. I’ve had a door shut that I absolutely knew God led me to it. When it shut I inquired of the Lord. “God I know you led me to it so what in the world?” The very next day I received a call that the door was open. Holy Spirit reminding me that He sometimes has to deal with other people’s hearts in ways that I cannot see in order for my path to open up like He already ordained. I’m good with that. I told the Lord prior to this current outcome. If you open the door, I’ll walk through it. If you do not, I trust your will for my life. That kind of trust is so burden removing and yoke destroying. The enemy of my soul stays frustrated because he can’t do anything with that kind of trust! So the page is turned and has been turned because I committed it to prayer long before I knew the outcome. I’m still praise dancing my way to “next.”

Just sharing my morning musings. Maybe there’s a page that needs to be turned. Lord I pray for my friends that you’ll speak to their hearts and they will clearly hear you say, “This is the way, now walk in it!”

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