
Sitting with the Lord in celebration! Set a goal for myself and managed to more than accomplish it this week! I’m high fiving myself and the Holy Spirit who kept me in check. I’m praying for Him to continue to keep me in check. This particular journey that I’m on right now requires consistency and commitment. Definitely accountability and changing some of my routines and patterns in order to reach my goal. I’m setting small manageable steps so I won’t feel defeated and quit. I have never liked to lose. Growing up in a family of four close in age siblings the competition was always on. We loved to play board games and card games, etc. And I was always good as long as I was winning but let me start losing…I’d just get up from the table and stop playing. That was so frustrating to my siblings. They call me Cissy and they’d say Cissy’s
gonna quit if she starts losing. So my relationship with defeat as a kid was not the best. I have to admit that over the years I have learned to change my relationship with defeat. Not so much in card games I still struggle with that, tbh. But in life. I remember my brother telling me one time when I was on a self destructive path. (I paraphrase) He said it’s hard to see you struggle because I’ve never seen you let anything beat you. You’ve always fought harder. It’s scary to think that this might beat you. And I remember it impacting me in that moment. I’m stronger than this issue. And there were many defeats in my battle along the way but eventually I won the war. I didn’t give up and I submitted completely to the Lord, doing whatever it took to change. I remember telling the Lord when I was going through therapy for same issue. I don’t want to leave the same way I came. Whatever it takes to change me into the Michele you created me to be. Lord do it! It was hard work and I didn’t just come out of that situation as an improved Michele. I came out brand new! Transformed by the saving grace of Jesus Christ! In fact that is why our nonprofit was named Transformed Lives. My husband and I both experienced that same grace in our lives in different ways and wanted to carry the message. So as I currently continue on this path to face yet another challenge. Such is life! There may be many defeats along the way but my focus is on the many victories! Today I’m celebrating one of them. Think I’ll treat myself at some point. Winning! To God be the glory!

Sharing my morning musings on this Sunday morning, celebrate those wins big or small. Give God glory! He deserves it!

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