Why Won’t You Simply Lay Down…

Sitting with the Lord this morning in stillness and listening mode. I have a week in between projects that allows me to take a few days for rest. TBH, I’m ok with resting. I know that some ppl are wired to keep adding more things to their plate for success and that’s fine no judgement. I’ve never been wired that way. Yes can do a lot of things at a time but that day to day grind has never been my favorite. Some would call it laziness, lack of motivation, listlessness, etc. I call it balance. Rest is underrated medicine for the body, soul and spirit! I know ppl think that the only day to rest is the 7th day because that’s when God rested from his labor. So we’ve only allowed 24 hours of rest which isn’t really rest because well, insert, church work here. No slight on the importance of church work at all. My point is there’s not really a day of rest for many. Not to mention, who says 24 hours was what a day was like when God created the heavens and the earth. So as I sit with the Lord for no other reason than to rest in His presence. Holy Spirit reminding me of a recent quote I saw from “The Nap Ministry,” powerful concept of rest. The post said, “Why won’t you simply lay down. Rest is the collaboration that you need.” You had to read the whole message to get the point on collaboration.

But that part, why won’t you simply law down… stillness.

My grandmama used to make us take a nap everyday. My mother loved naps. I can see her laying across the bed with a good book on her way to a nap. Trust me she needed that rest with four kids taxing her everyday. I’d always quote Hebrew 4 to my honey when I wanted him to slow down because he was on the go all the time. “There’s a rest for the people of God.” He’d tell me I took the verse out of context & it wasn’t as literal as I was taking it. I’d argue that’s how I took it and was using it for my life. If you could hear the back & forth between us about that…LOL. Slowing down, resting, stillness, quietness is medicinal for our body, minds and spirit. So while I took time out to share this musing, I’m going back to practice what I preach. Taking some time this morning to rest and be still so that I can show up as my best self to this hurried, jam packed world we’ve created. Success requires hard work but it also requires intentional rest.

Sharing my morning musings in hopes that you’ll take your rest as seriously as you take your hustle.

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