Time Out for the Word

Sitting with the Lord earlier this morning and listening to the book of Hebrews. I’m impressed with how the Holy Spirit opens up the word of God to encourage, correct, and inspire us. Stephen used to emphasize how important it is to read the word for your own well-being. As ministers, teachers, pastors or followers of Christ, there can be a tendency to approach the Word so that we can then have something to share with others. No fault in that because it’s important that we share the truth with each other! However, it’s important that we read to get the truth for our own lives too. Stephen would talk about how we should read it with an open heart for the Holy Spirit to speak directly into our lives. He would sit for hours reading and studying. I admired that discipline. To be honest, I’ve struggled with that discipline. As I’ve gotten older and slowed down some, it’s been less of a struggle but still not as much of a habit as I would like. I’ve had to find what method works for me. So I’ve taken to listening to the word by audio and following along by reading it as it plays. Not a new discovery but I’ve found that it sinks in more when I hear it and read it. Then I’ll sit back with my eyes closed and let that chapter replay again listening out for the passages that really minister to my heart. Sometimes I receive encouragement. Sometimes I receive correction. Sometimes I receive inspiration and strength to carry on. Always what is good for me. What I don’t receive is condemnation or fear. I never leave my time in the word feeling bad about myself. I think the hesitation sometimes for us is that because we know we are imperfect people, we shy away from reading the word. We think that we will feel condemned and afraid. We think that we have to have been on our best behavior before we can open the Bible and read it. We think that there’s a certain spiritual place we have to have attained before we are ready to read the Bible. Just not true. When I’ve been in the height of struggles with personal problems or issues is when I’ve felt the most loved by God when reading the word. It’s when I’ve felt the most relief and hope. Have I felt correction and chastisement also? Of course, but always with the love and gentle guidance of the Holy Spirit. I agree we should handle God’s Word with care but not so careful that we never read it for ourselves. He intends for His Word to be our source of refuge, strength, enlightenment, truth, peace, joy, hope and most of all Love. The word points us to Jesus and his great sacrifice of love for us. Jesus paid it all and nothing can separate us from the love of God ever! Jesus is the Living Word. We can learn about God’s heart for his people by reading His Word for ourselves. And then when we share it with others out of our own personal revelation, well, that’s life changing!

Just sharing my morning musings about the yoke destroying, burden removing power of God through His Written Word and his Living Word Jesus Christ! In hopes that we will be more disciplined and intentional about our reading and studying time. Figure out what works best for us and step up our time in the Word. It has saved my life!

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