The Presence of God is grossly underrated…

Sitting with the Lord actually late last night because I just wanted to be in His Presence. Thinking about how My honey loved getting in the Presence of the Lord. He reverenced God’s presence! I can recall many times when we were in a church service and the presence of the Lord would descend so powerfully and Stephen would drop to His knees in reverence. It didn’t matter where we were. He told me that was his way of referencing God’s presence. I lowkey admired that about him. How seriously and highly he esteemed God’s presence. During his illness, many times we’d be sitting side by side on the loveseat holding hands in prayer and God’s presence would show up so mightily. Steve would let go of my hand and get on his knees and completely bow before the Lord in reverence. So as I sought the Lord last night, first through His Word and then in personal prayer time, I reveled in the Presence of the Lord. It was such a sweet presence where I sensed God’s love so powerfully! How the Holy Spirit began to prompt me to worship and praise the Lord. How He promoted me to lift others up in prayer. How dramatically I felt the sweep of His presence fill the room! How calm and loved I felt in that moment. When just moments before I cut the TV off, I was feeling worry and apprehension. How in a nanosecond, God’s presence totally diminished all of that with His peace!

God’s presence is real and underrated!

I enjoy TV and social media, but I’m so thankful for the prompting of the Holy Spirit to draw near to God. He never disappoints when we draw near. He shows up with His all embracing love and He reduces worry with His abiding peace when we draw near. His presence fills the place and consumes us with light that drives out dark thoughts and emotions. There’s no mystery to the presence of God, Jesus ripped the veil. Whosoever will may come. We can enter in personally and privately right where we are. In these times when we may feel isolated or fearful, I will not underestimate the presence of God. He’s everywhere even as I sit this morning in my home or as I ride in my car. I’m taking His presence with me for protection, for comfort, for supernatural guidance. It’s the happening place to be!

Sharing my morning musings encouraging us to seek the presence of God during these uncertain times. God’s presence is the place to be! 

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