The Best Cheerleader!

Sitting with the Lord thinking about how I measure progress and trying to pace myself. It is so easy to get caught up in the thinking that everything needs to happen quickly and all at once. Especially when it’s a new venture. I don’t know why at my age I still battle with those thoughts. Especially since I know after all these years that slow and steady wins the race. However, I love the excitement of new projects! I love building, planning and working towards goals. It gets my blood going! I get psyched up! The Holy Spirit is my best cheerleader when I’m walking in purpose and creating with passion. That’s the fun part of starting something different and new. Even though it may have been done before, allowing the Lord to lead me as I put my stamp on it, molding it to my life journey is absolutely fascinating! So don’t mind me while I enjoy this moment. I presented a soft launch of my book on Sunday among close family & friends. It was received well. I shared how I went through a period of self doubt right after the book was in print. And how the Holy Spirit had to direct me back to my “why.” My big picture why is to share my faith walk. That day He told me to record my journey is still at the front of my mind. My big picture why is to be intentional about my healing. Lastly my big picture why is to support others’ healing on their grief journey. That one act of obedience and listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit that first day at the cancer center, set the course for my purpose in this season. I get to participate in the great commission. I have the privilege of carrying the message. My scars and pain have not been in vain! I was looking at the author’s page on Amazon that tracks sales and the book started out really well in the ranks! Sales have had their ebbs & flows since it came out end of April but it’s done better than I even knew what to expect. That is a glorious blessing! Holy Spirit cheering me on speaking to my heart, “You deserve this moment!” Lord, I pray lives will be changed! My parents planted that seed & nurtured this writing gift in me early in my life. (Told that story at the launch too.) So I’m pacing myself and enjoying the present moment. This dream has been a long time coming. Thank you God and thank you everyone for your support & prayers. I feel it!!! TGBTG

Just sharing my morning musings in hopes that you will be fully present in the joyful moments of your life. Any progress is a good thing! Your cheerleader is rooting for you! Me too! Relish them! Cherish them! You deserve this moment!!!

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