Stop Apologizing, I Know Your Heart…

Sitting with the Lord and realizing that I’m always apologizing to the Lord for my thoughts about things, people and just for myself. It was like the Holy Spirit said to me,

“Stop apologizing for yourself so much, I know your heart!”

I can’t tell you the relief that came over me. Then the Lord started ministering to me about His heart for His children. There are some of us who are so hard on ourselves that it is very hard to feel fully accepted and loved by God. It’s like we think He’s just watching for us to make a mistake or mess up which is the opposite of God’s heart for us. He sees us through the eyes of love! He is not waiting to point the finger and say, “See I knew you were gonna mess up! I knew you couldn’t keep it together for long.” Nope that’s not His heart. He gave us the Holy Spirit for guidance and counsel and yes correction but all from a place of love not punishment. The first time I learned about propitiation was absolutely freeing. That Jesus became the substitute for all my sins, issues, mistakes, faults and bore the punishment. Now I no longer have to fear that God is somewhere waiting to punish me. Exactly the opposite! His watching over us is for our protection and out of His heart of love. Not saying we don’t need to ask for forgiveness for our sins that’s different and confession is necessary. I’m saying we don’t need to live in a condemnation state of mind to the point that we do not feel accepted by God and therefore we’re constantly apologizing for ourselves, not just to God but to others too, wanting approval. The Bible says that we are accepted into the beloved. We are God’s family, His children and He knows our heart. Resetting the mind is becoming a daily practice for me. When I wake, taking these moments to sit with the Lord and allow the Holy Spirit to set my mind and my mood for the day based on the truth about God’s character is a blessing! Too many mixed messages out there, I need the straight up truth! Thank you Holy Spirit!

Just sharing my morning musings in hopes that you will realize that you are accepted by God and will be relieved from any mental condemnation. Stop apologizing for yourself so much, God knows your heart. ❤️

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