Seems Right…

Sitting with the Lord and coming to terms with some things. I love how the Lord helps us solve problems and come to terms with things outside of our control. As much as I’d love to orchestrate how I think things should play out in my life. Truth be told I’m glad that I can’t determine every happening. Because if I were to think about some of the decisions I’ve made that thankfully did not turn out how I planned. I’d be in a big ol’ mess! But the Lord stepped in and kept me from my own devices. At the time it seemed fine but in the end it could’ve potentially destroyed my life. So as I sit with the Lord coming to terms with some things not turning out like I thought. Holy Spirit insulating me from disappointment, reminding me that,

“There is a way that seems right to a man.”

Seems right hit home. That way may look harmless, may offer a promising future, may have all the trappings of ease and comfort. However, it is not the path that God has laid out for me. Do I continue on the path because I want what it has to offer or do I let go and trust the Lord for the more difficult walk of faith? Faith in the unseen and the unknown. Faith in a loyal committed God who always has my best interest and the best interest of all involved. Giving up control of what seems right and relinquishing the reins of my life requires a maturity I don’t always possess. Which is why I sit with the Lord. That intimacy and close connection breeds dependency and trust that would be otherwise unattainable. As spiritually mature as I’d like to believe I am. I am nothing without the hand of the Lord guiding my life. Holy Spirit reminding me of the words of Jesus, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life…” I will gladly trade the way that “seems right” with “the Way, the Truth and the Life.” The way that seems right leads to death. Death of dreams, promises and yes life! Jesus’s way leads to life. That’s not hard to come to terms with this morning. I just needed this moment of intervention by the Holy Spirit to remind me of some things.

Sharing my morning musings in hopes that we will check in to make sure we’re not on the “seems right” path and we’re on the “way, truth and life” path.

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  • mbpowell59