Redeemed Obsessed not Fear Obsessed…

Sitting with the Lord this morning and praying for others. Asking God to amplify His message of love to all people. As I prayed from my heart, I asked the Lord to help us not to be obsessed with fear during these uncertain times. I am taking these matters very seriously. So talking to the Lord about this verse that says “perfect love casts out fear.” Then I started thinking about how the disciples felt after Jesus was crucified. How fearful, dejected and hopeless they felt. Fearful for their own lives, their future, and doubting their beliefs. It’s understandable how they felt. When someone close to us dies, it calls into question everything we believed. It calls into question our present situation and it most definitely calls into question our future. We examine ourselves and ponder our regrets and then wonder if we are being punished for something we didn’t get right. But when Jesus showed up on the scene as the resurrected Christ, all the disciples’ fears were laid to rest. And so should ours!

They were no longer fear obsessed, they were redeemed obsessed.

Holy Spirit ministering to me about being redeemed obsessed. About God’s steadfast love and unending mercy that is everlasting. About not having a reason to fear because the Lord is my light and salvation. About finding solace in Psalm 91. About Jesus’ finished and complete work that is not based on my works or lack thereof but based on the perfect love of the Father. John 3:16 ringing in my ears. No fear because I believe and therefore I have eternal life. Yes I will use wisdom and obey the directives to wash my hands and keep safe social distance. But I will remain redeemed obsessed. I am redeemed by the blood of the Lamb. I am perfectly loved by my Father. The Holy Spirit guides me as I live out my redemption in the earthly realm and keeps me safe until I leave this earth or Jesus returns! Let the redeemed of the Lord say so! I am redeemed!

Just sharing my morning musings, encouraging you to use wisdom in these uncertain times. Focus your mind on the perfect love of God and receive your salvation that has been bought and paid for by the blood of Jesus.  Remember what Christ has done for you and remain Redeemed Obsessed! 

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