
Sitting with the Lord and listening to inspirational music. Those waking thoughts need to be brought under subjection to the leadership of the Holy Spirit. I used to admire how my honey would immediately drop to his knees when he woke up in the morning. Before he went to the bathroom even. Sometimes for a brief moment, sometimes longer. Just that act of submission to acknowledge the Lord before starting a new day makes the biggest difference. I grew up seeing my daddy kneel to pray every day. I have to admit that it has taken most of my life to get into the groove of taking that time early morning to focus my day. And I still sometimes hit the floor running especially to the bathroom LOL. It’s not the end of the world if I do start my day without taking this time although I do purpose to get it in at some point. But it is the most precious time with the Lord when I do. In these moments when I pause to breathe deeply and invite the Holy Spirit to speak to me, lead me, cover me, I am centered. I am intentionally connecting to my Creator who knows every intricate part of me.

As I pray, Lord I invite you to clear my heart to receive your love and grace. Lord I invite you to clear my mind to receive your direction and wisdom. Lord I invite you to clear my path and to order my steps today. Lord I acknowledge my need for you today. I recommit my life to you today that you might be glorified by how I live and how I treat others. Lord I pray that your goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Lord I pray for our world that your peace and love will prevail through us whom you have called to carry the message. In Jesus name, this is my prayer today. Amen

Just sharing a morning prayer in hopes that we will take a moment to invite the Lord to lead us each and every day.

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  • mbpowell59