Plans and Purpose

Sitting with the Lord in these early hours. Running some things by Him. I love running things by the Lord. I heard my phone go off and the very familiar verse from Jeremiah 29:11 popped up on my phone. So I took some time to go to the chapter and read it. I needed that reassurance today. “Plans for your good…to give you a hope and future.” So as I was running some things by the Lord and thanking God for these early morning words. The Holy Spirit reminded me of the proverb, that says,

“Many are the plans of the heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.”

I find such comfort and security in these verses. Comfort in knowing that my life is in God’s hands. Security in knowing that his plans are always for my good. I’ll admit that I can be somewhat impulsive sometimes and jump out there on a whim without seeking direction first. An opportunity may present itself and I’ll go for it just because I can do it. I don’t necessarily think that’s a bad thing but from my experience I’ve learned that impulsivity can lead to imbalance. Often when someone is capable of doing a lot of things well and it’s somewhat easy for them, life can become off balance. We can become spread thin from having too many irons in the fire and not as effective at any of them. At least that’s been my experience. On the other hand, we can become somewhat complacent and not venture out when God is calling us out of our comfort zones too. That is why I feel it is important to run plans by the Lord. Even if I tried something impulsively and got ahead of myself, it’s never too late to stop and check in. Or if we have a ton of things going on & maybe they are going well, it’s still important to check in with the Lord to make sure we’re channeling our energies in the right direction. Being a good steward applies to more than finances. Being a good steward also applies to the Lord’s purpose for our lives. After all is said and done, it is the Lord’s purpose that will prevail. I’m most at peace when I am tuned into my purpose and taking my lead from the Holy Spirit. So do I get ahead of myself sometimes, yes. Do I become overwhelmed with responsibilities sometimes, yes. Do I get out of balance sometimes, yes. Am I always able to turn to Jesus for direction, yes. Is He always there to guide and even redirect if needed, yes. Will He walk with me every step of the way, that is an emphatic YES! There’s a song, that we used to sing in choir, “Let Jesus lead you all the way. All the way from earth to glory, Let Jesus lead you all the way!” “Many are the plans of the heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.”

Just sharing my morning musings in hopes that we will run those plans by the Lord and take our lead from Him. His purpose will prevail in the end.

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