
Sitting with the Lord this morning, kind of debriefing situations that have happened lately. One thing for sure, I can gain the right perspective when I focus my heart and mind on Him instead of the circumstances of life. So I’m sitting with the Lord for perspective. As a person who tends to overthink matters, I have to often be intentional about seeking the Holy Spirit for clarity and wisdom. How much I’m actually listening to Him depends on how clear my head and heart are. So mostly what I do is focus on the character of God rather than whatever situations I’m involved in. This morning Holy Spirit reminding me that God is love and that He loves me with a passionate everlasting love. God at His core is love. I know it but sometimes I have to pause and remember just how much He loves me. Recent celebrations of the Resurrection always bring it home in a real way. Mary J. Blige sang about searching for a real love. Well search no more, God’s love is real! Holy Spirit reminding me that God is not a man that He should lie. He is a truth teller. And the truth is, He is always by my side. He is consistent and honest and His intentions toward me are for my good and not to harm me. To give me a hope and a future. Holy Spirit reminding me that God is merciful and forgiving. That He has already forgotten all the ways I’ve messed up like in the moment that I mess up. When I think about God being that forgiving it’s easier for me to run to Him than away from Him when I don’t get it right. Truth is, we all sin and fall short of the glory of God. Truth is, Jesus paid it all and God remembers it no more. Finished! This exercise with the Holy Spirit reminding me about the character of God is lifting my burdens this morning. Holy Spirit reminding me that He is a burden removing yoke destroying God. Yoke destroying means whatever has held me bound is obliterated, dissolved, unable to bound me up again! Oh Happy Day! Burden removing means I can exchange my burdens for His. Mine are quite heavy and His are incredibly light. So I trade my weakness for His strength, my sorrow for His joy, my afflictions for His healing, my consternation for His peace, my bondage for His freedom, my suffering for His comfort, my selfishness for His selflessness,
my distractions for His clarity. And the list could go on and on because everything I need is in God. He is my all and all. My confidence is in Him. Holy Spirit reminding me that I can trust God completely because that’s the kind of God I serve. Wow, I needed this time of refreshing this morning, thank you God for being who You are. I worship you!

Just sharing my morning musings in hopes that we will refocus on the character of God and receive a time of refreshing from the Lord.

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