Peace Cancels Panic

Sitting with the Lord this morning and wondering why I struggle with a sense of panic every now & then since the Lord brought Stephen home. I’ll be thinking I’m moving forward pretty well but then out of the blue I’ll start feeling panic about the future. Although it’s not a daily occurrence it has happened enough that I felt the need to put it before the Lord. One thing I know is that panic does not come from God because it is fear based. Even though it is understandable that I would have some anxiety with all the changes that loss of a spouse or major life events bring, it’s not something that should have power over me to the point that the panic should overwhelm me like that. Holy Spirit always reminding me that God has not forgotten about me and that He has his eye on me. Holy Spirit reminding me that God has always seen me through whatever life has brought my way. Always bringing me out on the other side better than ever. Holy Spirit reminding me that I can exchange my burdens for Jesus’ burdens because his yoke is easy and his burdens are light. Holy Spirit speaking strongly to my heart, “Haven’t I always come through for you?” Panic is not a warning from the Lord that something is going to happen. Panic doesn’t come from Him. Peace comes from the Lord.

Peace cancels panic.

Holy Spirit replacing any panic with peace by reminding my heart about the faithfulness of my God. Holy Spirit replacing panic with peace by confirming in my heart how much God loves and cares about me. Holy Spirit replacing panic with peace by assuring me that Jesus is mine and He is always with me. So from now on before that panic starts to raise its ugly head, I will consistently speak “Peace be still” to my heart and I will trust in God’s faithfulness for my future.

Just sharing my morning musings in hopes that you too will speak “peace be still” to whatever troubles you. Make it a daily practice to speak “Peace be still” to your soul and rest in the faithfulness of God!

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