Not Just Another Day

Today Christmas Eve is normally the day that we make sure we have all the gifts wrapped, food prepped and maybe cooked, families may travel to each other for the traditional gatherings. Getting everything ready for our celebrations on Christmas Day. However, for Mary & Joseph, it was not a normal time. They knew she was about to give birth to the Savior. Yet they had to travel to Bethlehem to fulfill the census requirements of Cesar Augustus. No doubt Joseph was very concerned for his wife because her time was near. Yet he followed the laws and customs required of him. We already know he was a man of integrity because of how he took great care of Mary and believed that the child that was not his, was truly conceived of the Holy Ghost. He never outed Mary and kept their secret. He was a good man. As protective as he was, I can’t imagine how horrified he must have felt when he realized that Mary’s time had come and he could not find them a place to stay. I wonder how much he begged the innkeeper for room until finally he had enough compassion to at least offer his stable. After getting her settled, wonder if Joseph had to prepare a place for her to give birth. Making her as comfortable as possible, assisting in her delivery and taking care of both Mary and baby Jesus. Using his creativity to make a bed out of the manger and tearing cloths to wrap him. Mary more than likely gave him instruction of what to prepare because Mothers instinctively know what to do to care for their babies. Did they wonder why God allowed these circumstances? Did they cry to God for help throughout the whole process? Did they complain about what was happening to them? Or did they accept God’s will and humbly depend on Him throughout the journey. I think the latter. One thing we know for sure, they couldn’t deny that Mary just gave birth to the Christ child. God prepared their hearts in great detail beyond a shadow of a doubt right down to what they should name him. His name shall be called Jesus and He will save His people from their sins. They had inside knowledge about the birth of Jesus because they had been with the Lord! So when the shepherds showed up to see Jesus. I’m sure that Mary and Joseph could only look toward heaven and marvel at God’s plan. The place of Jesus birth was a fulfillment of prophecy long ago. He sent the announcement through angels to shepherds who came and worshipped at the feet of their baby. Even the animals in the stable were aware that this child was no ordinary child. Emanuel has come. The Savior has come! The shepherd’s left and told the story and others believed.

As we go about our normal routines and traditions on this Christmas Eve, pause to consider what that day was like for the main characters of the story. How they suffered to bring the Savior into this world. How they trusted God’s word throughout their journey no matter how difficult the journey. How they created space for the Savior to be born. How God rewarded them for their obedience. They are forever known as the parents who kept Jesus safe and nurtured him throughout his childhood and trusted God’s plan all along. May we do likewise on our journey with the Lord. May we believe He is the Christ even in the difficult parts of our journey. May we make space for Him everyday in our lives not just at Christmas or other religious holidays. May we take care and nurture His presence in our lives, never taking His presence for granted. May we celebrate His birth and tell the story of how Christ has come in our own lives so that others might believe!

This is not just another day.

Just sharing my morning musings on this Christmas Eve…
Merry Christmas my friends!

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  • mbpowell59