No Power in the Roar

Sitting with the Lord excited yet anxious about my book finally being published. When you put your whole life out there for the world to see, it can be somewhat scary and intimidating. When I started blogging through my grief process, my intentions were to get through the day as best as I could. Now that I made my thoughts even more public than among my social media friends, it makes me very wary of other people’s judgment of my journey. So I’m sitting with the Lord asking the Holy Spirit to temper my thoughts and calm my anxieties. There is always an enemy of our soul that we war against. When we make a step toward our kingdom purpose, there are always the loud voices that try to steal our joy. Holy Spirit reminding me that the Bible compares our enemy to a roaring lion. A lion’s roar is ferocious and very scary and sometimes faster than his prey. I’m mindful of the noise and speed at which the enemy tries to distract me so that he can pounce. Sitting with the Lord this morning meditating on the almighty power of God is diminishing my fears and the enemy’s ability to misguide my thoughts about my book. There’s no power in the roar. There’s power only in the name of Jesus! I’m thankful that I have a place that I can run to for safety where the enemy can not touch me. I go to the Rock! I go to my hiding place. My secret place where I am sheltered under His wings. I enter in covered by the blood of Jesus and leave my doubts and fears there! I trust the Holy Spirit to deal with the critics and to help me to learn from them how to be better the next time. An over thinker is often already extremely self critical so any other criticism can be overload. However, the Holy Spirit is able to temper those thoughts and bring them under submission to the truth. Truth is this book is a labor of love and my purpose for publishing is to share my faith walk and to help someone to heal on their grief journey. I would love for everyone to like it but I’m getting okay with the fact that everyone will not. I’m not the first writer who deals with these apprehensions. It is a part of the journey. Jesus never allowed criticism to abortion His mission; neither will I. Therefore I will celebrate my lifelong dream to become a published author. Ain’t nothing going to steal my joy!

Just sharing my morning musings in hopes that you will allow the Lord to temper your inner & outer critic’s voices as you reach positive milestones in your life. There will always be critics. Learn from them and become better. But don’t let the criticism steal your joy! Celebrate!!!

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