My Dogs Are Bougie

Sitting with the Lord because my dog Twinkle Bell decided she needed to go out about 4:30 am. I was repenting because I was so annoyed with her. I knew she was going to get me up. How did I know, because when we went out before bedtime, she would not potty. You see TB has a stubborn streak in her and even though she knows the routine, there are times when she will stand on the sidewalk and refuse to go on damp grass. So as I stood coaxing her last night to go, she just stared at me defiantly and would not step foot on the wet grass. I don’t know perhaps it is uncomfortable for her. Perhaps she doesn’t like change. The grass was dry earlier now it’s wet. What’s up with that?

My friend says my dogs are “bougie”.

Anyway, I knew she would need to go at some point if she did not go then. However, no matter how much I encouraged her, then tried to pull her on the grass; she avoided it and ran up the steps to the door. I fussed and told her she better not wake me up but low and behold just as I knew she would… She was standing at the bedroom door barking to go out at 4:30 am. I had no choice but to get up and let her out, but I wasn’t happy about it! The grass was still wet and uncomfortable however she was in such dire straits she did not hesitate to go this time. Wow what a lesson that is for us! So as I sit with the Lord somewhat begrudgingly because I wish I could go back to sleep! I allowed the Holy Spirit to deal with me about my impatience and frustration with TB. I had a grievance towards her. I had to be reminded that her life is dependent on me. I chose her, well, my husband Stephen actually chose her. But she became a loving member of our family! She and her sister Queenie have provided me with their constant companionship during one of the most difficult times in my life. They have kept me company. They have gifted me with their presence along a painful grief journey. This thought hearkens me back to the fact that God chose me. He not only made me, He chose me. Before I was formed in the womb, He knew me. In spite of all of my quirks, stubborn ways, predictable mess ups, He always comes to my rescue! Yes even in the wee hours of the morning, He is there. The difference between my encounter with TB and God’s encounter with me is His endless patience. He is long suffering! He is gentle and merciful. He’s not muttering under his breath about me and thinking about how annoying I am. He is responding with unconditional love and grace. He is actually glad I turned to Him in my time of need. He has compassion on me for my situation even when I’m suffering because of my own choices. Wow what revelation I am receiving as I sit in repentance. However, I don’t feel condemned, I feel set free! I’m no longer ticked off at my furbaby. I’m compassionate and grateful for the joy she has brought to my life. My grievance with her is transformed into compassion & gratitude. Holy Spirit leading me to forgiveness and reconciliation because He knows what is best for me. I could resist and wallow in my feelings or I can repent and be free. I choose repentance. I choose freedom. I choose peaceful rest. Maybe I can go back to sleep now.

Just sharing my morning musings in hopes that we will sit with the Lord in repentance. Praying that we will be open to the ways the Holy Spirit desires to transform our grievances into compassion and gratitude. Be free!

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  • mbpowell59


  • Theres so much truth in your story about Twinkle Bell as well as God! So often if we can turn our face toward gratitude our attitude does shift. This sweet story is a reminder for me – thank you for writing!

    • Hi Colleen, Thank you for visiting my blog and I’m glad it was a reminder. I learn a lot from my doggies!

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