Moment by Moment

Sitting with the Lord and thinking about something a counselor told us. She said, “this moment is all we have.” She was encouraging us during my husband’s cancer treatments not to fret too much about what was to come. I share in my talks about grief that so much of my grief journey has been about getting through the moment and making it to the next moment. On some days, trying not to look too far down the road because there were so many worries there. And on other days trying not look too far back because the memory of my losses could haunt me. So just for this moment. Being present in the moment doesn’t mean that I don’t plan ahead or that I abandon my hopes and dreams. Nor do I forget all the lessons and blessings of my past. It simply means that I value the right now. That I realize how important it is to squeeze all the life I can out of each moment in time so that I can get to the next moment. That’s why I love being around children. They get excited about simple things like a bug crawling on the ground or a weed that looks like a flower. During the quarantine, I spent a lot of time on my back porch watching nature. It was early in in my grief and honestly I didn’t feel like doing anything else. I was in survival mode. Of course I took a lot of pictures and videos of a squirrel running up a tree or the same four crows or the same deer family that came by to visit everyday. I didn’t realize at the time how much those creatures contributed to my moment by moment survival but they did. I’m sure many eyes rolled when I posted yet another video on social media of the same deer visitors every evening. LOL But those moments while seeming insignificant to some were everything to me. I was subconsciously choosing to live in the moment and to make it through to the next moment. To breathe, to live, to let go of the fear of what my life altering circumstances might bring my way. So moment by moment, that’s how I’m living these days. It might feel irresponsible or uncomfortable sometimes. It might feel like I’m not doing as much as other people because I don’t have something major going on most of the time. I’m good with that! And no judgement for those who are doing their thing. We all have varying degrees of purpose and missions at certain seasons in our lives. We can still live in the moment whatever we have going on. One of the lessons I’ve learned from grief is that life is fleeting. The Bible says that man’s life is like grass, and at some point it withers away in so many words. That could be depressing if I looked at it that way or it could be encouraging because it forces me to consider the moments. I choose the latter. I choose to be encouraged that “this moment is all that we have.” So whether I’m at work, play or leisure, I’ll choose to cherish this moment that I’m living in because this moment builds on to the next moment. And before I know it, just like my grief journey, I’m living again and again and again. I’m realizing that life is good and just how blessed I am! This moment by moment journey is teaching me that God is good and God is great! And He is committed to seeing me through to the next moment. 

Just sharing my morning musings especially for those dealing with life altering circumstances. In hopes that you will purpose to get through this moment to the next moment and keep living. You will survive, in fact you are surviving! God is committed to your survival, remember that! 

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