Listen for Truth

Sitting with the Lord as I was listening to a message on modern day idolatry this morning. It was a powerful truthful message that I connected with deep in my heart so I believe it was a message from the Lord. The teacher said, “idolatry is the value you give to a thing more than God. Have we given anything or anyone more value than God. Idolatry sends you away from God. You’re not going to get satisfaction from anything other than God. Flee from idolatry. Flee from trying to get satisfaction in all the wrong places.” Social media, sex, your image, money, material things were mentioned. The message spoke to my heart and caused me to reflect on the things in my life that I have idolized. I spent some time with the Lord in confession and repentance. I came away from that time more liberated and freer.

However, there was something else the Lord did in my heart in that moment for me. So stay with me. You see, the whole time I listened to the message, I was struggling with the messenger. This person I knew lived a very lavish lifestyle and seemed to covet material things from my perspective. So while I’m listening I was wrestling with my perception of the messenger. We do that a lot to each other. We look at what we perceive as faults or issues in other people’s lives and tend to discredit that God can use them or that God can use them to teach us something. We reject God’s message because we’ve prejudged the messenger. If I were to be honest, some of the most powerful truths I’ve learned have come from the most unlikely sources. So as I sat there wrestling with my perceptions of the messenger. Holy Spirit spoke to my heart,

This is truth, receive the message.

There was no condemnation for my struggle in the moment only a gentle prodding to listen. So I listened. Afterwards, I thought wow if I disqualified every messenger in the Bible based on what I perceived to be their faults and their issues, I would miss out on the profound truths that are the foundations of my faith. In fact, I’d be disqualified if someone were to focus on what they perceived to be my issues rather than the transforming grace of Jesus Christ in my life. They did that to Jesus during His time on earth you know. So Holy Spirit reminded me to listen for truth and receive the message, trusting God to use any source He chooses to get His message to my heart. Wow, free on so many levels this morning! All because I took the time to sit with the Lord. He completes me! Colossians 2:10

Just sharing my morning musings in hopes that we will do more listening for truth and less prejudging of the messenger. That’s liberating when we trust God as the source of all truth. Who can I learn something from today?

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