It’s Bigger Than Us

Sitting with the Lord this morning talking to the Lord about being guided by the Holy Spirit through the next part of my journey with Him. The Holy Spirit is a person to me. He’s supernatural and mysterious yet He is a person. Thinking of the lyrics in the song Holy Holy Holy that’s says God in three persons, Blessed Trinity. Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I thank the Lord for the revelation of the Holy Spirit’s ministry to us as we live out our days on the earth. Jesus came as Emanuel God with Us. And then He said I have to go so that the Holy Spirit can come. I will send you a Comforter who will lead you and guide you into all truths. So I was talking to the Lord about my desire to be led by Him. I believe in the prophetic gifts and God has confirmed the Word that He has ministered to my heart through two people since Stephen passed away. I’m not one to chase words from the Lord through people. I feel that I have a direct line to the Lord through my personal relationship with Him. Every now and again God has chosen other people to confirm His message in my heart. I was thinking of how God got his message to Mary that she’d give birth to Jesus through the angel first which she pondered in her heart and then confirmed it through her cousin Elizabeth. I have rarely experienced the prophetic gift directed to me however when I have God has already been dealing with me privately about it. So I know it’s a Word from Him.

In talking to the Lord about my desire to be guided by Him. I asked the Lord about His Word to me and I found myself asking like Mary, How is this supposed to happen and what do I need to do? The Holy Spirit said to me, “Do the last thing I told you to do until I show you the next thing to do.” Isn’t that just like us sometimes? We receive a Word from God and we’re ready to jump right out there and run with it. Then when we mess it all up we go back to God wondering what just happened? I know I’m guilty. We ran ahead of the Lord instead of asking for direction each step of the way. I’m not of the school where you have to pray about every little thing before you make a move like helping someone that God places in my path. As a believer God is infused in my daily living and decisions. But I am of the school that when I receive a direct Word from the Lord about a path I should take, I need to ask for guidance each step. I’m reminded of King David who often inquired of the Lord before going to battle.

He knew the battles of today could not necessarily be fought with the strategies of yesterday’s battle. He knew it was bigger than him and he needed direction from the Lord for today.

The Holy Spirit is a planner. He is strategic. He is methodical and calculating. He is studied and detailed. He is not rushed or a fly by the seat of your pants kind of person. I think some of us thought that if we’re being guided by the Holy Spirit that we just show up unprepared and fly by the seat of our pants calling that being led by the Spirit. That’s a false teaching. A lot of people have been damaged because of that teaching. To be led by the Holy Spirit is to be directed as we plan, study, strategize, and implement, etc. It’s serious business to be led by Him because we are impacting the kingdom. It’s bigger than us and our personal calling. The goal of being led by the Holy Spirit is to draw others to Jesus. So as I sit and listen, I will continue to do the last thing He told me to do while we, Holy Spirit and me, plan our next move. Yes He includes me. Such freedom in being guided by the Holy Spirit. It’s a breath of fresh air!

Sharing my morning musings, asking the Holy Spirit to guide you and me today. It’s bigger than us!

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