If Only You Could See You Like I See You…

Sitting with the Lord and thinking about a conversation I had with the Lord yesterday. I can tend to be super critical of myself and sometimes my self talk can be harmful. I’ll say things like, “man I hate that about myself.” Yesterday I had a thought like that and I said it aloud. I felt lovingly convicted more than I ever had when I’ve had a thought like that. The Holy Spirit spoke to my heart saying, “that grieves me whenever you say things like that.” It wasn’t about body image or anything, it was about a quirk. Nothing I considered major but I was using this strong word “hate” and I was grieving the Holy Spirit by feeling that way. “If only you could see you like I see you,” He ministered. I pondered about that for a minute. God doesn’t “hate” anything about us including our flaws. He sees us from an entirely different lens than we see ourselves. Even the most confident person has moments of self criticism. It comes with the territory of being human. As I mused about it, I took a minute to revoke the negative power of my self talk by thanking God for His unconditional love. Thanking God that His grace is sufficient, which is how Apostle Paul was able to gladly boast in his weaknesses. When I am weak He is strong, Paul affirmed. I’m sure the Holy Spirit brought him to that conclusion. Negative self talk has led many people down the road of despair that can lead to other self destructive issues. I’m not a fan of berating people who struggle with negative self perception by self-righteously telling them how they should think. No matter how good my intentions may be, that way can produce more guilt and shame for the individual. I am a fan of how the Holy Spirit deals with me about it. Lovingly embracing me with the truth. Empathizing with me and actually being grieved that I felt that way. Showing me that He genuinely cares about my insecurities. Refocusing my thoughts to His love for every part of me. Even those parts that I struggle to like about myself. He sees my flaws through eyes of love and redemption. He doesn’t see them as hopeless unchangeable issues no matter how long I’ve struggled with them. He loves my flaws. Often my perceived flaws can produce the greatest testimony of the grace of God in my life just like it did for Paul. My perceived flaws can lead me to greater dependency on Christ. Because when I depend on Him, my self perceptions are refocused to His grace. Holy Spirit asserting to my heart again , “If only you can see you like I see you.” He sees me as holy, acceptable and beyond reproach. Wow such amazing love. Such amazing grace. Christ did that!

Sharing my morning musings in hopes that we’ll bring whatever negative perceptions we have about ourselves in any area of our lives under His amazing grace. Praying we’ll see ourselves and each other like He sees us. Amazing grace, how sweet the sound! Thank you Lord!

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