I Exposed The Issues, So I Could Heal You

Sitting with the Lord this morning and thanking Him for His supernatural healing of my heart, mind and emotions. As I reflected about God’s healing power in my lifetime, I can honestly say that the bulk of my healing comes from my time between the Holy Spirit and me. Yes God has used others to minister healing to me. Yes God has used medicine, therapy, groups and other services to minister healing to me. All of these have supported my healing process. But that deep down healing that is beyond the reach of human or earthly means has come from my time with the Lord. When the Holy Spirit exposes my deepest issues and needs and then administers supernatural healing to my soul. Places of brokenness, defensiveness, pride, offense, unforgiveness, hurt, pain, anxiety, depression that requires the supernatural balm that only the Holy Spirit can apply. Times when I’ve cried out for God to change me and not let me leave His presence the same way that I was when I came to Him. Because where Jesus is, there is change. I’ve come away from those times with a greater capacity to love others and myself. I’ve come away from those times with a mended heart and a lighter spirit. I’ve come away from those times with more compassion and grace for others even my enemies. Only God could do that! Supernatural healing indeed! I’ve come away more in awe of the Father’s love for me and his power to take care of me. God will take care of us for the rest of our lives! So this morning I’m sitting in gratitude for the supernatural healing power of God. Holy Spirit ministering to me that

“I exposed the issues so that I could heal you!”

Supernatural healing has required submission, denying self, repentance, acceptance and complete trust in the transforming grace of Jesus Christ. Supernatural healing requires quietness, stillness, listening and courage to allow the Holy Spirit to speak to our hearts. He is so loving and gentle in His care for us. His true desire is to make us whole and to enlighten us to the amazing love that God has for us. It is God’s love that ushers in His supernatural healing power! We only have to trust Him! I’m grateful today!

Just sharing my morning musings in hopes that we will make room in our lives for God’s love, Jesus’ grace and the Holy Spirit’s counsel to administer supernatural healing to our souls. He who promised is faithful and He will do it!

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