I Believe In You…

Sitting with the Lord this morning and listening to the Holy Spirit talk to me about pleasing God. I’ve been obsessed with the passage about Enoch this week, how he faithfully walked with God and how that pleased God. I can’t help but compare to what I witnessed with my husband Stephen’s walk with God. I’m not deifying him as perfect. He had his flaws. But what I witnessed regarding his relationship with the Lord was a steadfast, consistent walk with God especially during difficult trials in his life. I saw him on his knees in the wee hours of the morning consistently in prayer. He bowed before God and reverenced His presence. When he made mistakes, he was driven to his knees in repentance and contrition. I saw it and it affected my personal relationship with the Lord. So this concept, this way of living, this idea of “pleasing God” has me listening to the Holy Spirit this morning. It pleases God for us to believe in Him. Believing in God pleases God. One of my fave verses I’m meditating on this week is Hebrews 11:6. “But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.” KJV and TPT says “And without faith living within us it would be impossible to please God. For we come to God in faith knowing that He is real and that He rewards the faith of those who passionately seek Him.” Pleasing God is grounded in our belief that God is real. Not in our works or living a perfect life. Because that sets us up for failure. God would never do that. The only work He asks of us is that we believe. As I sat with the Lord professing my belief in Him and my gratitude for making it so simple and attainable. He quickly began to reward me by saying,

“just as you believe in me, I believe in you.”

That stopped me in my tracks and left me in complete awe of God. God said that He “believes in me.” I sat with that thought in tears. Wow, God believes in me! I can’t tell you the peace and joy that message brought to my heart. Here I am feeling somewhat adrift and awkward in this world these days without my honey. Then the Holy Spirit completely anchors me with those four words, “I believe in you.” He told me I believe you will rise from the ashes of grief. I believe you will triumph over these feelings of loss. I believe you are pleasing to me. You believe in me and I believe in you! This truth that God is speaking to me this morning is nourishment to my soul. When we pour our love out to God, He boomerangs it right back to us! What a mighty God…God believes in me!

Sharing my morning musings. It pleases God that we believe in Him. And guess what He believes in us too! Go throughout your day with this message, “I believe in God and He believes in me too!” Simple but true 

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