Hold Onto Things Loosely

Sitting with the Lord…

Sitting with the Lord this morning. Listening to Him talk to me about surrender. He’s been dealing with me about surrendering the outcomes of life challenges to Him. It’s very tough to let go control over how we think life should unfold for us. We have our preplanned destinies in our minds intact and spend our lives working toward those goals. That’s a good thing. I believe God places dreams and visions in our hearts for our purpose in His kingdom. However over my journey I’m learning to do what a pastor mentor once told me.

He said, “To hold onto things loosely.”

He was saying it in terms of ministry but I’m learning to apply it to all areas of my life. Surrender means I let go of idols which can be things or people. I’m learning to entrust those I most hold dear to the Lord. I surrendered my marriage, my spouse, my future to the Lord. I have witnessed personally that God will never fail me. The unbearable becomes bearable when I surrender. The miracle becomes possible when I surrender. The person I love most in this world becomes shareable with the Lord when I surrender. Surrendering to the Lord opens up whole new possibilities that my limited vision could not have imagined. Surrender makes me one with the One who knows me and loves me best. Therefore my worries fade away in the light of His presence and I walk around encompassed in the glory of the Lord. Untouchable to the enemy of my soul. Unstoppable force to be reckoned with for the kingdom! All to Jesus I surrender. All to Him I freely give!

Sharing late morning musings. Remember to “ hold onto things loosely” in this world. We are just passing through! Blessings on your day! 


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