He’s so Real to Me

Sitting with the Lord while having been snowbound for a couple of days got me to thinking. We used to do “shut ins” when we were younger. We’d gather all night and spend time with the Lord, praising, praying, singing, testifying about the goodness of the Lord. We’d sing until the presence of the Lord came down. My favorite song and still is today is “Jesus is real to me.” The song goes “Real, real, Jesus is real to me. Oh yeesss He gives me the victory! So many people doubt Him but I can’t live without Him, that is why I love Him so,

He’s so real to me.”

So I was thinking about how real Jesus has proven himself to me over my life journey. It’s good to reflect about God’s faithfulness. Life comes at us so fast. Sometimes great joy is accompanied with great sorrow. Sometimes dreams fulfilled are accompanied by obstacles in our path. I said to the Holy Spirit, no wonder God kept reminding the Israelites, do not forget the Lord your God. How he brought you out… Because one minute all may be going well and the next we’re met with stumbling blocks that we have to work our way around. God reminded them how real He was in their lives. I mean parting the Jordan, drowning their enemies, delivering them out of slavery. Come on now! How do you forget that? But they did forget and they did resort back to their old ways more than once. How easy it is to forget. We must remember! What He did for the Isaraelites serves as a metaphor for what He has done in my life. He’s parted seas, He’s extinguished the enemies control over my life, He’s delivered me out of bondage! He’s been just as real to me as He was to them. And remembering how real He is in a time when who He is and his nature has been misrepresented in so many ways is a necessary practice for me. I must remember his realness in my life.

Jesus can not be denied! The scriptures say that every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord. And that eventually every eye will behold Him. King of kings and Lord of Lord. I’m grateful that I can behold His glory in the presence of the reality that I’m living in right now. He’s not off in the distance. He’s real, He’s present! Yes He’s in my past as I reflect on His faithfulness over the years. He’s also in my present. His faithfulness is real today. He keeps on proving Himself to me. He’s in my future. His faithfulness goes before me and prepares a path before me. He widens the territory beneath my feet. He anoints my head with oil in the presence of my enemies. My cup runs over. Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life. And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever! Real, real Jesus is real to me. I remember His realness and His faithfulness today!

Just sharing one of my morning musings in hopes that we will often reflect on Jesus’s realness and faithfulness in our lives. So many people doubt Him but I can’t live without Him. That is why I love Him so, He’s so real to me!

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