He Restored My Soul

Sitting with the Lord this morning and a lot of things going through my mind. Woke up at 5:00 am in fact. Foremost on my mind is the wedding that I will officiate later. It is my niece’s wedding and it’s not lost on me that she asked my husband and I to officiate her wedding before he transitioned to be with the Lord. It’s also not lost on me that the last wedding I officiated was with Stephen for another niece. So I’m a little in my feelings this morning. Yesterday, I wore his wedding band on my thumb because I wanted to feel close to him. Can’t say that my nerves didn’t creep up at times during the wedding rehearsal but I made it through it. It is my honor to marry the two lovebirds today. It has been a joyous time of celebration and fun! I am treasuring every moment and enjoying it to its fullest! Weddings are reminders of great love! Love originates with God. God is love. Stephen would be as equally excited as I am. He’d get quiet and over in a corner and study that ceremony like it was an exam. He’d be calming me down telling me, “Honey calm down, everything is going to be all right!” And it would give me comfort and strength to have him standing solidly by my side. That’s who he was! He was my strongest supporter. So as I sit with the Lord, Holy Spirit reminding me about the omnipresence of God. How awesome it is to know that we are always in the presence of the Lord. That God himself will be standing by my side today. Reminding me how powerfully we felt the presence of the Lord at the rehearsal. It was such a sweet sweet Spirit in the place. We clapped, celebrated and said “Amen” like we were having church! As I think about the joy this day brings for the bride, groom & our families, I am uplifted beyond measure!

The presence of God has quietly restored my soul.

There’s nothing on earth that can compare to His presence! And to know that my honey is as close as you can get to God’s presence wraps it all up for me. I can’t wait to stand at the altar today to preside over this sacred ceremony. To God be the glory!

Just sharing my morning musings, in hopes that you will be reminded that God is omnipresent and always with you. Lean into His presence and be uplifted today!

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