He knew Who He Was…

Sitting with the Lord and thinking about Jesus and what He thought about himself. How his belief in who He is shaped how he responded to adverse situations. I know I would not be able to keep my mouth shut when people are in my face making all kinds of false accusations. I’d have to say something back to defend myself.

But He knew who He was.

When he was asked questions stating his identity. He just turned it back around and said it is as you have said. No long explanation, no argument even though if he had denied their claims, he might have extended his life. But he knew who He was. When questioned about his motives or who he was by his own prophet who had proclaimed his coming. Jesus didn’t retaliate and get offended. He simply said look at my track record, the blind see, the lame walk. I mean what more proof do you need? What more proof do we need? But he knew who He was. When he was hanging on the cross for the sins of his accusers those who were screaming crucify him. In excruciating pain with one of his last breaths he gasped, Father forgive them because they don’t know what they’re doing. Because He knew who he was. When his own disciples disowned him and doubted him, when he resurrected, they were some of the first ones he appeared to. Because he knew who he was and now they knew! Just thinking about all the ways I would’ve been offended, depressed, angry and hurt that people around me couldn’t see me for who I was. Times I’ve allowed offense to stop me from my purpose. Times I’ve allowed anger to get me distracted from my mission. Times I’ve allowed other people’s opinions about me to hurt me and how I allowed that pain to sidetrack me. A good girlfriend told me one time when I was the first and only black female pastor on staff at a rather large multiracial church. I was dealing with establishing my identity in that situation and feeling insecure. She said incredulously, “You don’t know who you are! You have been chosen by God for this moment!” It certainly gave me pause to stop and realize that God put me there and not man. I was able to navigate the unfamiliar territory because her statement kept me grounded. I believe now that the Holy Spirit used her to speak to me in that moment. To redirect me back to my identity in Christ so that I could fulfill my mission for that time and season. Jesus did not let anything derail his mission. People say He didn’t have to do it but He did. My honey, Stephen, used to take issue with that statement. Because He always said, Jesus did have to do it. It is why God sent Him. Jesus understood his assignment and His identity. Lord help me to understand my assignment and identity in this season of my life. Help me to be like Jesus!

Sharing my morning musings, to be like Jesus, to be like Jesus, oh how I want to be like Him! Lord help us!

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