He Emptied Himself…

Sitting with the Lord after reading my Bible reference for today from Philippians 2:7-8 (ESV) Two points that stand out to me about Jesus in these verses as we enter this Holy Week. They are: He emptied Himself and he humbled Himself. It brings tears to my eyes when I think about all He suffered on my account. But what is even more amazing is that He chose to do it. He chose to empty Himself of His divinity and take on the form of a servant in the likeness of man. He emptied Himself of his reputation. He was King of kings and Lord of Lords yet he became a servant. It’s much easier to think of Jesus in His divinity status than it is to think of Him in his human servant status. What a leap it is to go from being the Highest to the lowliest and to choose to do it. To choose to serve rather than be served. So different from what we’ve made leadership out to be in this world. As I look at corporation power and greed. The higher a leader rises, the more power they wield over others. The difference with Jesus is that He used His power to serve rather than to be served. I had to think about that! Would I rather have a reputation for being a hard nosed take no bull leader or for being a gentle kind and humble servant leader? One who is willing to take the punches for my subordinates or one who throws others under the bus. One who builds people up or one who harshly judges others and tears them down. One who gets right down in the trenches with you and helps you through your hardest times or one who stands on the sidelines and points the finger. Jesus emptied himself so that we could have full access to our Loving God. Holy Spirit reminding me to model my life after Jesus. To pour myself out for others. To serve with compassion. To be less judgmental and more accepting. To love sacrificially. To humble myself and esteem others higher. Wow it feels like a tall order! But when I lead with love like Jesus did, it is life changing! Transform me Lord everyday make me more like you.

Sharing my morning musings in hopes that we will take a minute to empty ourselves. Allow God to fill us with more love and compassion. That we will look for ways to serve others. What a blessing!

“but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.”
‭‭Philippians‬ ‭2:7-8‬ ‭ESV‬‬

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