Grace For The Journey

Sitting with the Lord for just a few minutes after a somewhat tumultuous yet exciting week. Several things converging at one time. All potentially good things! But my mind has been trying to sabotage the moment. My expectations of myself tend toward perfectionism. I can do a million things well but that one slip up or minor issue can send me spiraling in self doubt and insecurity like you wouldn’t believe! Then I deal with the imposter syndrome that causes anxiety out of nowhere. That’s when I have to spend time sitting with the Lord on my own behalf. It’s funny because I have such nonjudgmental empathy with people in general. But I can really beat up on myself sometimes. I told my friend that I hate that about me. So I sit with the Lord mostly to renew my mind. It’s amazing how just a few moments in His presence gives way to the light of truth. Ok so I didn’t perform as well as I would’ve liked in some situations. Ok I was disappointed in how I handled this or that. If I let every little thing that I think I didn’t get right spoil the millions of things that I did, then I’m headed down a miserable path. Holy Spirit speaking to my heart,

“Will you receive grace for the journey?”

Grace is always available and it’s something that I can’t beat myself up about. Because I didn’t do anything to earn it and I can’t do anything to lose it. It is a free gift not based on my accomplishments or lack there of. But rather it is based on the finished work of Jesus Christ. Born out of a complete everlasting love for me. Such an amazing gift. I can’t believe that the Holy Spirit has to ask me will I receive His grace again? Like how many times will I put Him through this cycle of self doubt? There I go again finding a reason to feel bad about myself. And there is the steady hand of the Holy Spirit gently guiding me into His presence to receive the free gift of grace. Reminding me how proud He is that I even try new things & am willing to risk failure. Failure is not the end game. If that is what is causing me anxiety then I’m missing out on a wonderful journey of life adventures and possibilities. Holy Spirit ministering to my soul about how pleased He is that I’m even sitting here talking to Him about it. I used to play the piano in Sunday school in my youth and one of my fave songs to play was, “Have a little talk with Jesus.” The last line says, “Just a little talk with Jesus makes it right.“ So now instead of rehearsing my stuff in my head, I’m leaving the presence of the Lord, humming a tune that will keep it all in perspective for me today. So grateful for my relationship with the Lord. Receiving grace for the journey. “When you feel a little prayer wheel turning. You will know that the fire is burning. And just a little talk with Jesus makes it right!”

Sharing my morning musings, receiving grace for the journey in hopes that you will too. Just a little talk with Jesus makes it right!

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