Goodness is Godness

Sitting with the Lord

Sitting with the Lord this morning and thinking about the fruit of the spirit in particularly “goodness.” We have experienced such goodness over the course of our lives. The phrase, “God is good, all the time,” has become the anthem of many people’s experience not just ours. It’s a heavy responsibility to be good ALL the time. That’s quite a reputation to live up to. Yet God is good all the time. That’s because goodness begins with God. It is who He is at the very core of his nature. I read a phrase that said “Goodness is in God’s nature and when you do good, you are doing God’s work.”

“Goodness is Godness.”

Just add an “o” to Godness and you get goodness. It cannot be manufactured or faked. God’s goodness is authentic and intimate. He shares a part of Himself with us when He is good to us. So I mused about how God has been sharing Himself with us through the goodness of others recently. It’s been mind-blowing and eye opening to be reminded of how powerful God’s goodness is in the earth. We’ve been distracted by the noise of the enemy who would have us focus on what is wrong in the world. Because evil is noisy, chaotic and dramatic. But goodness is soothing, purposeful and calm. Goodness heals and reconciles hearts. Goodness lights the way through dark times. Goodness improves the quality of life for others. Goodness lasts long after the act of goodness has been extended. Goodness is eternal because “Goodness is Godness.” We’ve experienced so much Godness lately that our eyes are locked on God and not on our momentary affliction. We are witnessing the answers to our prayers and reaping the harvest of our blessings. For the Lord is good and so are His people!

Sharing my morning musings. Goodness is Godness. Do some good today and express Godness in the earth.


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