Good and Very Good

Sitting with the Lord and reviewing my accomplishments and achievements. I just think it’s good to review the good things about our lives sometimes because the negative things are always screaming at us, you failed at this or that. So for my mental health’s sake, I often review all the ways I’ve triumphed. Of course I could get the big head if that was my intention. But my intention is really to express gratitude to God for all He’s brought me through and allowed me to do in spite of the failures and disappointments along the way. And of course to encourage myself. So as I sit in reflection, Holy Spirit reminding me that God already set the example when He created the heavens and the earth and then stepped back affirming Himself by pronouncing that it was “good!” Why would that record be included in the Bible if we weren’t meant to deduce that it is okay to affirm ourselves? Sometimes the only affirmations we receive is when we reflect and allow the Holy Spirit to witness to our hearts that God thinks we’re the best thing since sliced bread. Because the account goes on to record that after God created man in His image, He again affirmed himself by pronouncing that His creation was “very good!” He threw an extra adverb “very” in there just to emphasize His pleasure for His creation. King David mentioned “encouraging ourselves” in the Lord. Sitting in reflection of accomplishments can sometimes have me rating them as one better than the other.  The ratings change as I grow more intimate with God. I notice a shift in what I value as the important accomplishments in my life. They vary based on my current situation sometimes. TBH, sometimes my affirmation is that I got out of bed and put one foot in front of the other today. I know somebody can relate. However, several accomplishments are always at the top of my list and will always rank in the highest order. One is I value the parts of my journey, as difficult as they may have been, that brought me into a more intimate relationship with the Lord. That moved me beyond the exterior of my faith and into the interior secret place. That place where I abide under the shadow of the Almighty. My rock, my refuge. I highly value and am grateful for whatever valley or low place I traveled through that caused me to recognize my extreme need for God in my life. I’m reflecting and I’m grateful. Another one is I value ministry that is borne out of my trials. Ministry not in terms of traditional preaching behind a pulpit, although I highly value & have benefited from those with that calling. But ministry to intensely come along side those who are hurting and offer the same comfort that I received that supported my healing. I’m reflecting and I’m grateful. It’s been hard being a very sensitive person in a sometimes uncaring world. I value the revelation of the Holy Spirit who finally helped me come to terms with my gift and my calling. I value having an empathetic and compassionate heart. Because I know that but for the grace of God, there go I. I’m reflecting and I’m grateful for these accomplishments that are always at the top of my list. The material things and other life accomplishments I’ve been blessed to accomplish are a plus but these deeper things are “very good” in my eyes. It’s good to reflect and feel very good about our lives. It promotes gratitude and a renewed commitment to live life on purpose. Let’s reflect together!

Sharing my morning musings hoping to spark your reflection and affirmation of things that really matter in your life! Everything else is gravy! It’s ALL good!

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