Giants All Around Us…

Sitting with the Lord 

Again meditating in Hebrews 11 and reading about the kingdom giants in the Hall of Faith. The Holy Spirit very quietly reminded me to

“Be aware of the kingdom giants I’ve placed here during your time.”

Like yesterday when he prompted me that Stephen’s name could be inserted in Abraham’s story. I recalled this morning when Stephen recounted a wilderness experience in his life and that the Lord spoke to him like he spoke to Abraham and said, “I will bless those who bless you and I will curse those who curse you.”  Stephen mentioned that promise from God many times but especially during hard times in our journey together. Reminding me of God’s promise to him and thus to us. 

So as I read these accounts, I began to think of the kingdom giants I have encountered in my life. Most of them living obscure servant lives that rarely get attention but who are greatly impacting the lives they touch. I have many in my family and friends whom I’m very close to and whom I consider heroes of faith. They have the best hearts, they are self sacrificing, they cry tears in silence and walk by faith out loud. They are not in your face giants, they are behind the scenes giants. Not craving attention, just going about doing good for people like Jesus did in silence and humility. 

As I read the account of Enoch, who apparently was pretty obscure because we only get this one brief impactful insight into his life. He walked with God and then was no more because God took him. I thought of the people whom I know who quietly walk with God everyday and have a genuine heart for the Lord. I see it in their silent acts of kindness, their self sacrifice to help those who haven’t necessarily been good to them. I see it in the way they hold their tongues when someone treats them rudely. I see it when they forgive those who have hurt them but never ask them for forgiveness. Giants I tell you! 

And then there’s Noah who received an unusual directive from God. Who wasn’t in the limelight. Who was mocked by others yet remained obedient to his calling. I see it in those giants who are faithful during the rough part of the journey, who get no public accolades, often ridiculed and criticized for their work and obedience. Who truly have a heart to save those whom society has deemed unsaveable. Who get tired and wonder if they truly heard from the Lord and keep going. All the while their work is improving the quality of life for the least among us! Giants, I tell you! 

Or like Rahab who had not lived the most acceptable lifestyle but who recognized when God needed her. Who lets her guard down and trusts God during perilous times, risking her life to save others’ lives who depended on her. I see it in the one who has been ostracized by society because of their lifestyle choices. Who spent a lot of life on a self destructive path but in a single moment made a choice to let their guard down and help the very ones that could have persecuted them because they recognized the need. They turn out to be the most tender hearted giants I tell you! 

Holy Spirit reminding me of the Giants for the kingdom living all around us in obscure hidden places, even of questionable backgrounds who are forever impacting the kingdom. My honey, my parents were kingdom giants and there are many more who have passed through and left their footprints to follow. There are giants around me now that I recognize, salute and am grateful for their impact on my life. God is still performing even greater works in the earth through these giants. Holy Spirit reminding me not to prejudge what a kingdom giant should look and sound like. Holy Spirit directing my eyes and ears to the obscure and silent places, even the shadows if you will, for kingdom giants that may not be front and center. All adding value to the kingdom of God in the earth. Open my eyes Lord that I might see. Open my ears Lord that I might hear what the Spirit of the Lord is saying!

Sharing my morning musings…Asking God to show me the kingdom giants among us. There are some that are not so obvious! Thanking God for them! ♥️

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