Get up on the Good Foot

Sitting with the Lord this morning reflecting on my vacay week with family! It was such a blessing to hang with everyone especially the children. They bring such an excitement to the atmosphere! Everyday on the beach was like their first time! They ran with glee to the water. They jumped the waves! They were so joyful and happy! I’m sitting with the Lord and realizing how much I needed to witness their perspective about life. Focus on the things that bring you joy. My great niece would ask every morning, “can we go to the beach now?” She and her twin brother would get ready and continue to ask until the adults were ready to move. And the happiness on their faces when it was finally time to go was sheer bliss! So sitting with the Lord thinking about the life lessons I can take away from the children! Holy Spirit speaking to my heart to wake up every day with excitement about what the day can bring. I must admit there have been many days when I wake up with dread about what the day might bring since losing my honey. But my perspective is changing thanks to the children. Waking up with excitement starts my day off on the “good foot.” That’s not only a child’s perspective but James Brown had that revelation too!

“Get up on the good foot!”

Holy Spirit speaking to my heart to focus on the things that bring me joy! Like the children’s persistent focus on going down to the surf and sand everyday. That brought them joy. I must confess that many days I’ve allowed the pain of grief to be my focus. But my focus is changing to the things that bring me joy thanks to the children. It brings me joy to sit in nature, to pet my doggies, to sit with the Lord. Holy Spirit speaking to my heart to approach life with excitement as if everyday is a new adventure. Even if I’m doing the same thing I did yesterday. I must admit I’ve approached life like it’s just another day rushing through moments to get to the end of the week. But my approach is changing thanks to the children. The possibilities are endless about what new things can happen on my journey when I get excited about life. Living fully in the moments, mentally making and cherishing memories. So this morning I’m grateful for the children in my life. As a full grown adult, I am learning so much from them! In the words of Jesus, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.”

Just sharing my morning musings in hopes that we will learn a few lessons from the children in our lives. They are the kingdom! Love me some them!

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