Focus On The One

(Longer post but stay with me)

Sitting with the Lord this morning mainly because I woke up extra early which I tend to do when I have something special going on. I try to wake up giving thanks and for today praying over our reception later. I sent a note to the W-S team yesterday because I’d received several messages of people saying they weren’t going to be able to come. Of course with any special event you want to have guests attend it. My cousin was telling me about gauging % of guests etc. since she has planned many events. She was encouraging to me about our mission. The team was encouraging as always. But I have to be honest. I was distracted by those messages. I was disappointed and started thinking about the sponsors and their investment to support our mission to Unpack Grief and our team’s effort. I have amazing support in that way. So I was running it by the Lord. And the Holy Spirit basically put this question fo me actually on yesterday. 

Why are you looking for the masses when I’m focused on the one?

So I’m letting that sink in this morning. Focused on the one. Of course, Holy Spirit reminded of the parable of the shepherd and the lost sheep. How the shepherd will leave the 99 in the herd to go looking for that one lost sheep. Broader question is , why do we tend to quantify everything as if the more we have determines the magnitude of the  impact. In fact, my team member and bestie said to me yesterday. We tend to focus on the numbers but it’s more about the impact. That totally helped my perspective.  I mean, Jesus gave the parable of the lost sheep, the widow’s mite, the mustard seed. (Read them, google them) All basically saying we’re focused on the wrong thing. Reducing it down to the smallest, simplest quantity. Attainable access for all and especially the one. 

Why do we quantify our faith by the way? Jesus said all we need is mustard seed size faith. He compared it to the most minute seed possible to make his point. Just a little goes a long way. Not so much how huge the faith but how solid and how deeply rooted it is. That little seed produces beautiful yellow flowers. 

So back to the original question which is a word for my life not just today. Why look for the masses when I am focused on the one? Focus on the One!

Lord my focus is on You and on the people on your heart. Help me to focus on the one who needs our message of Unpacking Grief today. In Jesus name. Amen.

Finally, (Like Apostle Paul’s many closings),  Holy Spirit reminding me of a recent experience.  We shared our mission at a church Sunday School recently. It was a small group. One of the ladies came to get her books signed after SS and I asked who to? One to her and she didn’t know who she was getting the other for so I just signed it.  We stayed for church service afterwards. As I was leaving, I was talking to the minister and his wife who invited us in the parking lot. And the lady approached me holding the hand of someone. She said her coworker surprised her and came to visit their church today. She said I knew the Lord was telling me to get an extra book for someone and my coworker just lost her mother, so she is the one. And I wanted to introduce her to you. The coworker had tears and we hugged. Tears out of all or our eyes in that moment. The one! 

Just sharing my morning musings in hopes that we will realign our focus with God’s heart. Who is the one on His heart that He’s placed in our path or on our mind today Focus on that one! Go see about that one!

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  • mbpowell59