Even If…

17 If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to deliver us from it, and he will deliver us from Your Majesty’s hand.
18 But even if he does not, we want you to know, Your Majesty, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up.”

Sometimes you have to have an “Even if” mentality. I don’t like to take words out of context because really these two verses are succinct within themselves. Shadrach Meschach and Abednigo speaking in the authority afforded to every believer. They extol God as a deliverer. They even address their enemy with the earthly respect that he commands before they lay the gauntlet down. They verbally drew a line in the sand. They verbally slammed the door in his face. They verbally but respectfully inferred “you must be KWAZY!” There is one command that Shadrach Meschach and Abednigo refused to obey because it goes against their own testimony of who God is in their life. They are like you can command and threaten us all you want but what you’re not gonna do is make us worship a false idol or bow down to your little g-god. Because “Even If” you throw us in with the furnace, “Even if” the lions haven’t had a meal all day and we look like a tasty snack to them. “Even if!” I know that my Big G & only true living God will deliver us out of your hand! Sometimes, situations involving controlling people will cause us to have to make a choice that will require us to declare, “that’s a hard pass” for me. I would be violating my own testimony of who God is in my life if I followed your lead. And it may seem like it’s life or death if we don’t follow them but it’s not. “Even if” I perish! I have a greater purpose for my life and that is to never deny who I personally know God is to me. My belief in my God isn’t based on what someone told me. It’s based on who He is to me! My Deliverer, My Comforter, My Lifesaver, My Provider, My Friend! “Even If” everything around me fails, I’m standing on the Solid Rock! My foundation is secure “Even if” and no matter what! The only god I will serve is My God! The One True Living God!

Just sharing my morning musings. No matter what compromises life throws your way. There’s one compromise, we will not entertain- “Even if!”

Faith Blogger: Michele Bryant Powell
Author, “15 Minutes of Unpacking Our Grief”

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