Empty Tombs

Sitting with the Lord and thinking about how Jesus conquered death. To conquer means to completely defeat and never have to face that battle again. It means that there will never be another struggle of that type. The victory over that issue or situation is forever won! Whoever or whatever that foe tried to do is rendered null and void eternally! That battle was fought until death and even death could not could not stop the triumph! As I sit with the Lord and muse about our Risen Savior, the power of the Resurrection is hitting me deeply in my heart! Wow!!! What Christ went through for me, for us! Holy Spirit reminding me that because He lives, I live! If you’ve ever experienced Jesus reaching out His hand for you and pulling you up out of a grave then you too feel it! I remember a time I was reading scripture in Proverbs that was warning about following foolishness and how that road leads to a grave and hell. I remember the Holy Spirit revealing to me in that moment how God literally caused the grave to “cough me up.” Holy Spirits words not mine. I was sitting in the living room at my parents home and I couldn’t stop crying when I realized just what the Lord had done for me. When I turned back to Christ, the grave of self-destruction had to cough me up! The blood was applied to my life and I was absolutely redeemed. Yes it was many years ago and yes I was young & dumb, but still the power of that moment when the Resurrection became absolutely real to me lives on in my soul. So for me today means more than another Easter Sunday. Today is the day that I am reminded of the moment when the women went to the tomb and the angel said, He is not here, He is risen as he said. And then provided proof by showing them the place where He laid, the empty tomb.

Because Jesus’s tomb was empty! My tomb was emptied.

Death does not have the final say, Jesus does! Grateful beyond tears, my heart is bursting with joy!

Sharing my morning musings…Perhaps you have an empty tomb story.  Tell it and give God glory! Happy Resurrection Day!!!

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