Did I Do Enough?

Sitting with the Lord and listening to Him talk to me about taking people for granted. Since Stephen passed away I’ve occasionally had this nagging feeling that may be I didn’t tell him how much he meant to me enough. Or maybe I took him for granted too much. And then the enemy will try to sneak in a thought that the reason he’s gone is because I took him for granted too often. So I put those thoughts before the Lord because I’ve learned to do that especially with reoccurring issues. And the Holy Spirit helped me with perspective. Truth is we both took each other for granted at times and we probably didn’t say how much we appreciated each other as much as we needed to. Relationships are often complicated and we don’t get it right all the time. However, that does not negate our love for each other and our intimacy with each other. Nor is that the reason why the Lord brought him home, that part is a lie. I remember having similar feelings after l lost each of my parents.

Did I do enough to let them know how much they meant to me?

Bottom line is I did what I knew to do and to the best of my ability at the time. I know I took good care of my honey and I know he knew how much I loved him. The Holy Spirit helped me put any regrets to rest. It would be a shame to reduce the love we shared to the times when we didn’t get it right. It is blessing to my honey’s memory for me to celebrate the times we did get it right. When we enjoyed each other’s company. When we shared intimate loving experiences. When we sat silently side by side on the couch just being together. When we went on date nights and road trips. When we loved on our furbabies. All those times that even if we didn’t say it, we demonstrated our appreciation and love. Our love is magnified when I remember those times. Our love imitates God’s love when it’s from the heart like ours. So I’ll leave the regrets behind and I’ll give God glory for a special love like ours. I’ll celebrate our love today! ♥️♥️

Sharing my morning musings…appreciate each other, live with no regrets, celebrate love! ♥️

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