Did and Did and Done!

Sitting with the Lord and reflecting on an incident that happened while I was driving to the grocery store this morning. You know how sometimes when you’re driving, random thoughts come up in your mind. No real basis for them except that our minds can sometimes bring up pessimistic ideas that we will find ourselves entertaining if we’re caught unaware. So this pessimistic thought basically was ”if something can happen, it’s going to happen to me.” And immediately I felt the Holy Spirit speak to my heart and remind me, “And if anyone is going to be delivered and recover from it, it’s going to be you!” I mean it was an emphatic reminder! Then I heard myself say out loud, “Did and Did and Done!” Meaning “Yes it did happen, yes I did recover and yes it is a finished work!” After I heard myself say it out loud and yes I do talk to myself sometimes. However I prefer to look at it as talking to the Lord out loud. Anyway after I heard myself say,

“Did and Did and Done!”

I literally laughed out loud. The joy that erupted on the inside knowing that it is done! The past is done! Whatever I face in the present is done! Whatever comes my way in the future is done! I was reminded of Jesus’ encouraging words, “Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, I have overcome the world.” Yes, even Jesus declared in so many words, “Did and Did and Done!” That’s my mantra when the enemy of my soul sets out to cloud my day with disparaging thoughts. “Did and Did and Done!” The major weapon the enemy has for the believer is to try to discourage and minimize our faith by our own thoughts. I always said that if the enemy had any sense he’d leave the child of God alone. Because all his tactics do is drive us closer to our Father! We have the blessed assurance that Jesus is mine!

Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine;
Oh, what a foretaste of glory divine!
Heir of salvation, purchase of God,
Born of His Spirit, washed in His blood. This is my story, this is my song, praising my Savior all the day long. This is my story, this is my song, praising my Savior, all the day long! “Did and Did and Done!” Hallelujah!

Just sharing my late morning musings in hopes that the joy of the Lord will rise up in the face of the pessimistic thoughts and you will laugh out loud and proclaim “Did and Did and Done!!

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