Depression is a Real Struggle

Sitting with the Lord after reading about Cheslie Kryst’s, former Miss USA, death by suicide. Feeling so much for her and her loved ones who are left behind. Someone who is that deep in depression just can not fathom a way forward. To us on the outside it looks like she had everything going for her. Beauty, intelligence, fame and money. However, to her it did not feel that way. The added stress of having to always have it together may have taken its toll. Or at least feeling like she had to look that way is a trap. Maybe she felt like she couldn’t express her pain because of how people would’ve perceived her. There are so many ways people subconsciously prohibit giving themselves permission to process their pain.

So as I sit with the Lord this morning, my heart is heavy with the thought that there may be others out there who feel they can not express their pain to those closest to them. To others they look like they have it altogether. Or maybe they seem a little weird or off to others. Like they don’t let anyone close. Or maybe they went missing for a while and distanced themselves. Or maybe their personality suddenly changed. Maybe they looked like they’re trying too hard. Feeling the Holy Spirit urging me to write this out. We can become so involved in our own lives that we miss the little signals or small clues. Maybe there’s no clue at all and we need to pay attention to that voice inside that may say check on that person.

Depression is the #1 reason why people commit suicide. Depression is suffocating and dark. Depression is too heavy to bear alone. Depression is deceptive and hopeless. Holy Spirit speaking to my heart to encourage us to “hold space” for each other. To be available to listen non judgmentally, allowing that person the time & space to process their pain. It’s hard to listen and not want to immediately fix it. Or change the subject because we don’t know what to say or we feel uncomfortable in the moment. However, that can often stifle the needed process to share their pain. Not everyone can walk that path with another person and that’s ok. Hopefully we can listen long enough to offer supportive resources without them feeling dismissed. Thankful for counselors and other trained professionals who are equipped to help. It’s great to have a resource on hand to offer a person to get the help they may need. Of course, if they mention suicide please call for help right away! Don’t leave them until the help arrives.

I have been counseled for grief related depression and it was the best thing I could’ve done. I’m prayerful and a woman of faith and I still needed help to process my pain. Depression is real and it’s heavy but it doesn’t have to be fatal. If you or someone you know is struggling, please talk with someone who can help. Again, depression is a real struggle, you are not crazy and you are not alone.

Just sharing my morning musings in hopes that someone will be helped.

Suicide Prevention Hotline 1-800-273-TALK.

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