Couldn’t Keep It to Myself

Sitting with the Lord and thinking about freedom after our Juneteenth celebrations. How miraculous it is that my race was able to survive the violations of the past. Thinking about the movie I rewatched yesterday, “Harriett.” She trusted God to lead her out of slavery and then she went back and helped other’s gain their freedom. At the end she said “people are not supposed to own other people!” I felt that! Something inside of Harriet would not let her settle for bondage as a part of her life even though she was being conditioned to think that was just her lot. Instead she ran for her life! And once she had a taste of freedom, she could never allow herself to be captured again. Not only that part. She couldn’t bear the thought that other people she loved were still in bondage. So she reached back to pull others out. Even when the people she was leading out of bondage didn’t believe, she never wavered from her mission. I’m free and I want others to know this same freedom. Holy Spirit speaking to my heart about true freedom. True freedom won’t let you keep it to yourself. True freedom won’t let you revel in it alone and not pass the good news on. True freedom is unselfish and unwavering. We used to sing a song, “I said I wasn’t gonna tell nobody but I couldn’t keep it to myself, what the Lord has done for me!” Practical application for me: I had this negative thought yesterday about how much I’ve been talking about grief. Thinking it’s overkill. That I post too much about it. Nobody wants to hear about grief that much were my thoughts. Then the Holy Spirit reminded me about what the Lord has brought me through in my life concerning grief. That the passion to talk about grief stems out of the healing that the Lord has wrought in my life. It is the mission He has given me for this season. The movie “Harriett” spoke to my heart in a different way. It made me want to be like her. I don’t know about being completely free from the pain of losing someone we love. She felt that pain. But I do know about healing through the pain so that it does not debilitate my life like it has in the past. That’s freedom in a sense and that is a mission I can gladly get behind. The pain of grief can hold us in bondage. The anxiety and depression that accompany life altering events can hold us in bondage. These issues exist but they are not meant to control us forever. We can heal and we can be free. That’s the good news that must be passed on! Thank you Holy Spirit for this revelation this morning. Thank you Jesus for purchasing our ultimate freedom!

Just sharing my morning musings. Really didn’t know where this musing would lead but I’m thankful for this revelation of freedom. What freedom have you experienced that must be passed on? Can’t keep it to ourselves. It’s meant to be shared so that others can be free! Be like Harriet. Be like Jesus. 

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