Consider the Lord

Sitting with the Lord a little later than normal. Stopping for intentional prayer time is important no matter when we fit it in. I’m thankful for the drawing of the Holy Spirit who calls to me at times to pause and consider the Lord. It’s important to be intentional about our time with the Lord. I know I emphasize this point a lot mostly preaching to myself.

Consider the Lord, Michele!

What is His perspective about this situation? Would He be pleased with my thoughts, my intentions, my motives behind how I handle this or that? Am I just going through the motions or am I being intentional about my relationship with the Lord? Do I really want His guidance every step of the way or do I really just want Him to step in when I feel like I need Him? I’m at the point in my life where I’m done being afraid of what people think about me. Or needing approval from others. I spent a lot of my life worrying about that. Not wanting to look flawed or scarred. Afraid to be transparent or vulnerable. Trust me it’s not everybody’s calling to reveal their darkness or issues. I get it and as I always say no judgement. But when you’ve been called to it, you can’t worry about how people perceive you. You just have to know that the ones who will be healed because you dared to be vulnerable are who God intended to be touched by your story. I paused to “Consider the Lord” mid morning today because I was feeling insecure about something. I had to get perspective for the journey. One thing I do know is that I am secure in my calling and humbled by it at the same time. The idea that I could be used by God to reach anyone is a miraculous discovery. Yet the Bible is full of comeback stories and stories full of flawed and scarred people who God used to change lives. As I consider the Lord this morning, it’s not arrogant of me to be secure in my calling. It’s trusting of me that the Lord would work in me and through me to reach anyone. Even as I write this and other musings, I have no agenda other than to be led by the Holy Spirit to impart to me as I share with others. That is intimacy. That is freedom. Not worrying about who might like it but thinking about who might benefit. As I consider the Lord, Holy Spirit reminding of that time when the Lord prompted me to start recording these moments with Him. I remember it vividly! We entered the cancer center for the 1st time and as scared and as daunting as our journey looked. I remember seeing that fear mixed with hope in the eyes of others there. The Holy Spirit prompted me in that moment, “I want you to write about your journey.” Writing our way through it gave me a whole new perspective everyday on our difficult journey. It didn’t turn out like we prayed for healing on this side of reality but I believe my honey is completely healed and restored in the reality that awaits us. Wow, considering the Lord this morning has evolved into several caveats. I’m grateful for the Holy Spirit’s promptings in my life. Lord, I purpose to be led and write accordingly that someone might be comforted and drawn closer to you.

Just sharing my mid morning musings for the One who needed this today. Take a moment and “consider the Lord.”

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