Closed Doors

Sitting with the Lord reciting my dreams out loud to Him. It seems a little strange but it’s something I do from time to time. It holds me accountable and builds my trust. Can’t say that they all come to fruition and I’m good with that. I realize that some doors have to be closed for me. Otherwise, I’ll keep knocking on the wrong door. Been there done that, still do it sometimes if I were to be totally honest. Not the best feeling in the world when you risk knocking on a door that you want to open knowing that it might not open. However, I’m of the belief that if you don’t knock how will you know if it will open. As much as I’d like to think I’m listening and being led to the right door. There are a lot of factors in play that may lead me to the wrong door. Wish I could get it right every time but I don’t.

So as I sit with the Lord, Holy Spirit making me aware that I often thank Him for the doors that do open but rarely thank Him for the ones that remain closed. Because I haven’t always had sense enough to walk away on my own. So I’ve been disappointed when God has closed a door in my life that I wanted to be opened or to remain opened. However my prayer has been, Lord if you open the door I will walk through it. And if you close it I will walk away. Now I’m known to be a little hardheaded and a lot spoiled so it might take me a minute to realize it’s completely closed. But the Holy Spirit is able to get the message to my heart. I’ve given Him full access to guide me in spite of myself. So to the closed doors in my life I say, stay closed. No hard feelings or regrets. Dreams require taking risks and at least I had the courage to knock. But now, I’m headed toward the many open doors ahead in my future. And if my timing was off and that door is meant to open then it eventually will. I keep trusting because my God is a door opening, dream giving, promise keeping God. He can do the opening and closing and I will do the trusting. He holds my future in His hands! Holy Spirit reminding me of a hymn we used to sing, “Guide me O Thou great Jehovah, Pilgrim through this barren land. I am weak, but Thou art mighty; Hold me with Thy powerful hand. Bread of Heaven, Bread of Heaven, Feed me till I want no more; Feed me till I want no more.”

Just sharing my morning musings in hopes that you will knock on and walk through the open doors and walk away from the closed ones. Guide us O Thou Great Jehovah. Thank you for the closed doors too!

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