But God Offers…

I took my dogs to the groomer and as I drove back home I was noticing the new growth of the green lawns and the white and yellow daffodils while driving down my street. And it started me to thinking about how our Creator creates opportunity for new growth no matter what the past season looked like. So when I pulled into my garage I sat in the car with the Lord to just ponder that a little. Opportunities for new growth. How easily God offers that 2nd, 3rd, numerous chances to leave the harsh winters behind in our lives and spring into new life. Right behind that thought occurred to me that people are not so quick to do that for each other like God does. Believe that folks can change. Instead we often hold onto that one thing that we know they did and allow that to define our perspective of them for the rest of their lives. But God offers as many times as we need for new growth, for change, for forgiveness. I believe Jesus said 70 x 70 when teaching about forgiveness. Someone told me a pretty hard story about themselves and their past this week. About how they turned their life around and how their mother told them before she died to live life with your head up and walk away from people who could not see you as a new person. I’m a product of many chances so I understood the challenges this person faced with even fighting their own negative perception of themselves, let alone the negative perceptions of others. It’s already a tough journey starting over and then to have to deal with the naysayers is added stress.

But God offers as many times as we need for new growth, for change, for forgiveness.

Society is set up to believe that in order to feel good about ourselves there needs to be someone that is inferior. It is the reason why the most egregious acts against humanity have been committed. Holy Spirit speaking to my heart to take account of my perceptions of others to make sure that I’m not a part of the problem. Have I forgiven? Have I offered grace? Am I holding onto perceptions about others based on their past and not believing that they changed or can change? Am I a part of the restoration of lives or am I a part of the destruction of lives because I didn’t offer mercy. The same mercy that I received. What started as a simple ride home has evolved into serious musing this morning. Let me take a minute to clear my heart and release some negative perceptions about others that the Holy Spirit is laying on my heart this morning. Lord thank you for the opportunity for new growth in my life and the lives of others!

Just sharing my morning musings. Who do we need to offer forgiveness and mercy to today?

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