Best Friend Ever

Sitting with the Lord for no special reason just out of habit. I have the need for that daily connection. Sometimes it’s a very intensive moment and sometimes it’s just the comfort of spending time with the best friend ever. This morning is the latter. I draw such awesome energy when I spend time with my best friend. It feels like hanging out with someone that every time they see you they throw their arms open wide and engulf you in the warmest most life giving embrace you’ve ever known. It’s like laying your head on your mother’s bosom. Or running to your daddy’s arms. It’s even better than that! It’s an easy friendship that you can be totally yourself without fear of rejection or judgment. You know that whatever you share or divulge to this friend, the response will always be unconditional love and acceptance. Despite the intricacies of your personality and complexities of your issues that are not hidden from this friend, they are forever in your corner. That consistent connection infuses me with confidence, security and fearlessness. I can face whatever comes my way knowing I have the best friend ever ready to defend me, cover me and have my back at every turn on this life’s journey. I’m encouraged, I’m hopeful, I’m invincible because these moments with my BFE are priceless! I spend a lot of my time, achieving the next milestone or conquering the next goal but this time I spend in the presence of my friend is transforming my life!

Just sharing my morning musings in hopes that you’ll grab a moment with the best friend ever! It will give you life!

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