Be Grateful, Be You, That is Enough!

Sitting with the Lord this morning and checking in on my growth and my improved mentality. Holy Spirit drawing to my attention how it’s changed.  I’ve always been super sensitive about vibes from people often to my detriment. Over the years I’ve learned to extend grace to situations when I sense that something is off about it. I used to worry and replay scenarios in my head when people didn’t respond to me with the same kindnesses or gestures that I offered them. I’ve often put myself out there to be liked or accepted and suffered rejection many times. I’ve beaten myself up trying to figure out why this person or another didn’t like me. Often allowing their actions towards me to genuinely hurt me. Taking months sometimes years to get past the rejection. What the Holy Spirit has taught me as I’ve grown is that #1 – Everything isn’t about me. That was a rude awakening and a chastisement that I needed to receive. And still do at times. In other words and very gently, humble yourself and fall back. #2 – People have their own set of issues and problems just like I do that they may be working through. In other words and very gently, grace, grace and more grace. #3 – The mind will play tricks on me if I’m not grounded in truth. In other words, take time out for the Word. Make it foundational in my life however I can. Read it, listen to it, pray it, etc. #4 – I need accountability in my life because when left to my own devices all the time, I can easily get off track. In other words, no matter how old I get or how accomplished I may feel. I need wise counsel from others. So whether it’s through reading, or conversations, or listening, or checking in, or therapy, I need it. Just a few lessons from the Holy Spirit that help me continue to grow and improve my mentality about life. Holy Spirit affirming in my heart how pleased He is with my growth. We can push ourselves so hard and constantly try to measure up to a perceived standard in our heads that we miss the growth and the progress we are making everyday. Today I will pause and reflect on my growth. I won’t dwell on the fact that I’m not where I want to be or where I think I should be. I will not compare my life to others especially those my age. I will not seek validation from other people. What I will do is receive the validation of the Holy Spirit who is pleased with my journey. I will revel in the present and enjoy my growth such as it is. I will be grateful for the goodness of the Lord in my life. I will affirm that I am right where I should be and on my way to the best that is yet to come. I will not strive today. I will just be. I will enjoy my life today and everyday! That is enough. 

Just sharing my morning musings in hopes that you too  will pause and admire your growth and improved mentality. Feel good about where you are in life. Be grateful, be you! That is enough! 

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