Ain’t Going Down Without A Fight

Sitting with the Lord and thinking about a phrase that my 81 year old aunt says all the time. “Ain’t going down without a fight!” I love to hear her say that because it encourages me that as long as we’re breathing there is still a lot of life to live. So as I sit with the Lord, I’m thanking him for this cherished time with her and the inspiration that she is to me. We are also partners in crime. We can get into some things now. She has a mischievous side to her that keeps me laughing. If you could hear some of our convos coming down the road as we drove 4 1/2 hours to my house. We fuss with each over. My fave name for her is “Woman!” I’ll saw something like, “Woman, you’re a mess!” We sat out back on the deck until late last night listening to Motown and reminiscing. At one point she jumped up (mind you she’s had a knee replacement) and started jamming to a song. Of course, I videoed when her back was turned. Then she saw me taping shrugged her shoulders and preceded to really get down to the Motown sound. I chuckled loudly! She made me promise not to post but I may save it for blackmail purposes later down the road. LOL Just in case she gets too out of hand one day. I know she will read this post because she has been one of my greatest inspirations for writing. She writes dynamic plays, poems, and prose. Many of her plays have been performed for her hometown productions and they are legendary in my book. She is currently writing poems for her great nieces weddings. She is an encourager and loves the Lord with all her heart. Holy Spirit reminding me to value these moments with my BFF, Aunt (my Mom’s baby sister), Woman! So much we can learn about life from our elders. I can’t say I’ve always appreciated that especially in my young adult years but I do now which is why I’m sure the Holy Spirit brings these thoughts to mind. To remind me to always make time for and extend grace to our elders. They are a blessing. Blessings aren’t always about receiving things. Blessings also come in people form. My aunt is a blessing to my life. We ain’t going down without a fight!

Just sharing my morning musings in hopes that we will become more aware of honoring our elders and never taking time with them for granted.

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  • mbpowell59