Agent of love and hope…

Sitting with the Lord in the wee hours. I have a furbaby who is not herself these last few days. A trip to  the vet did not turn up anything serious. But she is off her potty routine and I was awakened an hour ago, haven’t been feeling the best myself. Again nothing major but felt I needed to spend some time praying for healing. As I looked through healing scripture which is the best way to pray I think. I read them and then pray them over myself and yes I pray for my doggies too! I lay hands on myself, anoint with oil and I do the same for them. (Call me the crazy praying doggy lady if you want. LOL) I digress.

As I read and prayed, the Holy Spirit brought others to mind as I prayed and so I included them in my prayer too. I read Romans 5:3-5. “Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.”

The part that says “hope does not put us to shame.” I recently blogged about the joy of belief and so this verse seemed to be a follow up to that. The reason hope does not disappoint is because God’s love has been poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit. As I read that part over again, I prayed for those who do not have this hope. That God’s love draws them by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit reminded me that I am God’s agent of love. Bringing to mind the scripture that says, “and I, if I be lifted up. I will draw all men to me.” Ours is to love not judge, His is to draw. Love invites hope and hope does not put us to shame. Hope in a loving God whose people spread love and grace. Wow! Love evangelizes. Love heals. Love draws. God is love and so are we. Love unifies. Love covers all issues. Love brings hope. Hope is eternal. Lord I pray we get it! I pray we let love lead us. Cause not only do me and my doggies need healing. This whole wide world needs healing. Your loving people are everywhere where! Love conquers all!

Just sharing my morning musings wasn’t sure where I was heading with it. Thank you Holy Spirit for my healing and this reminder about love. My hope is in You! I pray we will be Your agents of love and hope.

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  • mbpowell59