A Resting Place…

Sitting with the Lord this morning…

Reflecting on our “resting place” we have in Him as I enjoy the tranquility of the ocean waves. Having traveled to the coast for my uncle’s homegoing celebration, I’ve had the opportunity to sit by the oceanside early this morning and enjoy the sunshine and listening to the waves. It was so peaceful and tranquil and Holy Spirit reminded me about “the resting place” that I have in Jesus. A resting place that transcends the cares of our heart. A resting place that shields us from the hustle and bustle of the holidays. A resting place that anchors our soul and provides deep therapeutic comfort foreign to this world.

Our resting place is our secret place. A place where we can pour out our troubles and leave them there. Knowing that God hears and answers our prayer. Our resting place is our trusting place. A place where we are reassured that God is our Father who loves and is truly concerned for His children. Our resting place is a place of complete peace. A peace that is not dependent on our emotions or feelings or circumstances. Rather a peace that is rooted in our abiding trust in the Lord. Our resting place is a place of unconditional love. A Love that died for us. A Love that bore the punishment of our transgressions. A Love that covers any guilt and shame. A Love that regenerates and makes brand new. Our resting place is everything! Holy Spirit reminding me that I always have a resting place in him, anywhere and any time! For now I’ll enjoy this resting place by the sea.

Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” Psalms‬ ‭91:1-2‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Sharing my morning musings and thankful for “our resting place.” We can always find that rest in Jesus.

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