A Bright Spot

Sitting with the Lord after enjoying five days of a blissful birthday celebration in the tropics. The sunshine and water alone was worth the trip! Somewhat disappointed that they had the red flags up on the beach due to the winds at that time. But that disappointment was replaced by the wonderful swim out suite. One friend posted among the many birthday well wishes,  “Happy birthday to a bright spot on my timeline.” That struck me!  Then a family member text me, “Great! I had a ball following you on Facebook on your trip! We should do it again sometime!” LOL!  I live my life out loud for the most part. (No one tells it all IJS) I’m not saying everyone should, it is just who I am. It’s freeing to me.

I’ve been a people pleaser for a lot of my life and have had a lot of anxiety around wanting others to like me. I had a work situation when there were team mates that couldn’t stand me and it bothered me a lot. Made me not want to come out of my office. I remember one colleague said very bluntly one day, “Michele, they just don’t like you, everybody is not going to like you in life so stop letting it ruin your day!” I have often rehearsed things in my mind over and over after adverse encounters with people trying to figure out what I could’ve done to make it better. I still do sometimes TBH. But her comment that day put things in perspective. We can’t allow other people’s opinions of us to tamper our spirit. Who we are and what we offer to the world has significance. If not for everybody then for someone! We can continue to be our authentic selves and live life accordingly as opposed to dimming our light because it’s too bright for others.

We had a swim out suite meaning there was a small pool off our balcony that led to the larger pool area. So although it was semi private, it was open to the larger resort area. My first day out in my swimsuit after this winter weight gain. I was very self conscious and body shaming myself in my head. I had to talk to myself. “Michele you’re on vacation and you don’t know these folks. Even if you did, it doesn’t matter, you came to celebrate. So celebrate these curves too!” Then I pulled out the camera and started taking selfies and pictures of my blessed surroundings and blessed curves. That’s right blessed curves because Jesus loves all of me. LOL Jesus loves me this I know for the Bible tells me so…humming that tune all day to day! No more body shaming or any other shaming for me. I know how to talk myself down. God has been too good to me for me to diminish my light whatever package it comes in! We used to sing a song for choir, “Everything is beautiful in its own way…” That’s a great perspective to have. We should start seeing others like that as beautiful and bright in their own way! One thing I’m all about and that is if you celebrate, I’m celebrating right along with you! My heart and mind is clear on that! Hope you’re feeling good about yourself today and everyday! You are loved and accepted by the highest judge ever! Let that override any negative thoughts or opinions coming from others or yourself.

Just sharing my morning musings, living out loud as usual. Shut down any body shaming thoughts or insecurities and celebrate all of who you are! Jesus loves you this I know! All of you!

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