The Process is the Success!

Sitting with the Lord and in fact anticipated that I would be up early this morning. It now being 3:30 am. Mostly because I came upstairs early @8 am and figured that one of the dogs would get me up for a potty break before the night was over. And sure enough, here we are. So I expected that I wouldn’t be able to fall back to sleep and after trying for a while decided to transition to my SWL chair which is par for the course.

Have a couple of new major projects pending that are clearly doors that God has opened on my mind. When they come find you and you had no clue about them, you know God’s hand is in it. One project is the result of God using someone to bring my name up in a room that I wasn’t even sitting in. I plan to disclose more when the project is ready to be launched, but I’m blown away. Because when God’s messenger approached me about it, she said you don’t have to interview for this. You are in on my Word. Wow! That still blows me away. The second project, someone saw my LinkedIn page and our GriefTalk work and approached me about a partnership that is a win win. Again never heard of either entities but God let them know about me and our mission. Both projects will advance our Unpacking Grief Mission more globally and will reach far more people than I could’ve ever reached on my own. That means more lives will be touched so that they can unpack their grief, process through their pain and receive healing! I didn’t need to give it a 2nd thought when approached by either because I’d already been praying about it. I’d put our mission before the Lord many times prior to either of these opportunities presenting themselves because I know what He called me to and I know what He promised.

I’ve learned that seeking immediate gratification can abort the mission. Wanting immediate success sets us up for failure. Staying the course, weathering the slumps, navigating the obstacles, getting back up after falling, pressing through overwhelming emotions, putting in the work, combating negative thoughts that’s where the victory lies.

The process is the success! The waiting is the success. The trusting in spite of is the success. The hanging on to hope is the success. The never giving up is the success. The small steps are the success! Crossing the finish line is just icing on the cake of success.

If you’re in the middle of that wondering season on your journey. Wondering if you heard God right. Wondering why it’s taking so long. Wondering why it’s so hard. Wondering why things haven’t fallen into place. I can testify that you can trust God to keep His promises. It’s bigger than us and it’s being handled by a great big Almighty God. Trust God and trust the process. The process is the success!

Just sharing my morning musings in hopes that we will trust our calling, trust our process and trust our great big God to keep his promises! The process is the success!

Author/Faithblogger Michele Bryant Powell
15 Minutes of Unpacking Our Grief
Ebook/Book: Amazon, B&N, Walmart, etc.

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